Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Navratri Day Three - Maa Chandraghanta Puja Vidhi

Maa Chandraghanta blesses her devotees on the 3rd auspicious day of the Shardiya Navratri. The goddess is believed to govern the planet Venus, which is the bearer of culture, luxury, and refinement in our lives.

Devi Avatar: Maa Chandraghanta

The third day of Shardiya Navratri commemorates Maa Chandraghanta, the goddess of peace and welfare. Maa Chandraghanta’s forehead is adorned by a half moon(chandra), which looks like a bell, and hence the name, ChandraGhanta. Her aura is sparkling gold and she’s pictured with ten hands. Goddess Chandraghanta mounts on a tiger and sits upright in a posture which depicts her ready to go to war with all her weapons that she is carrying, Trishul, Gada, sword, and bow and arrow. She has a Japa mala and a Kamandal as well, symbolising her solemn nature. It is believed that the goddess likes milk as her offering. By worshipping Maa Chandraghanta, we activate our Manipur Chakra. Maa Chandraghanta is believed to bless her devotees with bliss, tranquility, and splendour in life.

To know more about the Goddess of love and money - Maa Chandraghanta

Pindajapravararudha Chandrakopastrakairyuta
Prasadam Tanute Mahyam Chandraghanteti Vishruta

पिण्डज प्रवरारूढा चण्डकोपास्त्रकैर्युता।
प्रसादं तनुते मह्यम् चन्द्रघण्टेति विश्रुता॥

Aforementioned mantra pleases Maa Chadraghanta and yields excellent results to those who pay homage to her with complete faith and dedication. This day is celebrated in her name to end the vices in mankind and increase the intellect of her devotees. Maa Chandraghanta blesses her devotees with a stress free and prosperous life. Yellow color is Maa’s favourite color, so it’s advised that her worshippers use that in the pujan. Milk, ghee, kheer, fruits, fragrant flowers are things believed to please Maa Chandraghanta.

Click here to know about the pujan vidhi and visit our Ultimate Shardiye Navratri 2016 Guide

Maa Chandraghanta governs the planet Venus, who brings luxuries and comfort in our life. With the right products, you can attain the best in this duration. AstroSage has launched an EXCLUSIVE OFFER to provide its users with the products that will manifold the benefits attained in this duration.

The following products are to be used on the 3rd day of the Shardiya Navratri to please Maa Chandraghanta and to get benefic results from planet Venus:

To Order these products, please CLICK HERE.

With this, AstroSage wishes you a Happy Shardiya Navratri 2016. 

May Maa Chandraghanta shower her blessings on you and your loved ones.

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