Monday, September 26, 2016

Weekly Horoscope 2016 (September 26 - October 2)

Here, we present you the Weekly Horoscope 2016 from September 26 to October 2. Now, know what these predictions have to say about your future. Scroll on to your Zodiac sign and read the predictions for free. The below predictions has been done by our famous astrologers and these are based on the planetary positions. 

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


Financially, this week will be very good for you Arians. Your hard work and true efforts will help you to fetch the desired results. Some new source of receiving income will be made. Also, there are chances that your income might raise. It is advisable; do not lend money to others rather invest them for future. Health wise, you need to take care of your stomach related issues. 

Love Predictions: This week is expected to be a combination of love and quarrel for lovers. Married couples will be able to enjoy this duration fully. Meeting your beloved by the mid of the week will be favourable. End of the week would be perfect to celebrate the passion in your relationship. 

Remedy: Avoid eating oily and heavy food products.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


This week will be full of entertainment. You might even go on an outing this week with friends and family. Taureans who are office goers might take a break from their monotonous schedule. You will receive great fame and reputation in the society. Whereas, you might get busy in doing social activities. It is advisable to get serious in love matters. 

Love Predictions: This week will be bitter-sweet in terms of your love relations. Your thoughts might wander towards your other problems in this duration. As the week will progress, your relation with your beloved will improve. It is predicted to be a pleasant for love confessions.

Remedy: Don’t waste your money this time.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


You will be able to make many new friends this week. There are chances of getting interact with with high class people. You will observe that you are becoming ambitious. You might go on a trip this week besides this a smoothness in work environment will be maintained. The key message to success is to invest your money properly, and save. 

Love Predictions: This week is expected to remain blissful for your love relations. Stay cautious of dubious people. Married couples must avoid needless squabbles. You may begin your week with dining together and indulging in long conversations. This week might end on a positive note for you.

Remedy: Protect your money from minor thefts.

Fortune Star: 3/5


You will observe that a simplicity in your thoughts is getting made. Your introvert nature will now be over. And this change will be appreciated by everyone. This time, less expenses on luxurious items will be made. You might be spending a lot of time having a deep thinking about future. A positive transformation will be seen. You might turn your path towards spirituality. 

Love Predictions: Your work might keep you away from your love interest this week. You might be full of emotions during the first half of the week. Avoid misunderstandings and tiffs that might happen by mid-week. Week end will be favourable for you.

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5


Lions, this week, you might lack efficiency in work. You might feel shiftless due to weakness and because of tight schedule at work. It is advisable to keep a watch on your health issues, visit a doctor whenever there is a need. Maintain the trust level that your partner have on you. Otherwise, problems are likely to arise. Lastly, avoid getting drunk while driving. 

Love Predictions: This week might give you opportunities for spending time with your beloved. If you are planning a trip with your beloved, the first half of the week seems favourable. Middle of the week will prove to be emotionally satisfying while the weekend will be satisfactory.

Remedy: Avoid travelling alone at night.

Fortune Star: 3/5


“Expectations often lead to disappointments”. Since, the week is little unfavorable. This time is not appropriate to expect anything from others. Chances of meeting fake people are there, therefore do not trust anyone blindly. You need to have belief in yourself is a key message for you. Whereas, at workplace, you need to be careful from people. You might receive a support from someone of your opposite sex. 

Love Predictions: This week will be mix of happy and stressful moments. Work might keep you occupied this week but putting a little effort for taking out time for your beloved might bear fruit. The week will begin fine and dandy but middle of the week might seem to be a little dull. The weekend might return the lost charm in your relationship.

Remedy: Don’t trust strangers.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5


This week, you will be busy in making plans for future. Chances are there, that due to some misunderstandings, people might take you wrongly. Thus, it is advisable; a descent nature with others is must. Check your words before it gets out while having conversation. You might become angry and due to that an arrogance nature might be observed. Try avoiding that. 

Love Predictions: Your efforts of making your relationship jolly and pleasurable will be fulfilled this week. You might spend some leisure time with your love interest. You will be able to establish a balance between work and love this week. Weekend is expected to be moderate.

Remedy: Follow decent behavior and don’t loose patience.

Fortune Star: 3/5


You have got a wonderful sportsmanship spirit. Which will make your dreams possible. This week is full of goodness, you might receive an appraisal, increment or might even get a promotion. Since, your luck ratings are high. Your enemies will not be able to stand. The increase in self-confidence will also improve, with that, every tough situations will become easy. 

Love Predictions: This week is predicted to be moderate for lovers. Those living away from their beloved might enjoy the week to the fullest. You may visit a religious place in the beginning of the month. You will work hard to create a balance between your love life and work. Weekend is expected to be pleasant for you. 

Remedy: Worship Lord Ganesh.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5


This week, everyone will gonna love your company. As, your smile and joyful nature will make the environment beautiful. Even, your sense-of-humor will improvised. You might go on a shopping this week. So get ready, to overload with expenses. The style of writing and communicating will get better now. Lastly, scope of many positive changes are there. 

Love Predictions: This week is expected to be favourable for you. Avoid suspicious behavior and try to maintain the purity in your relationship. Try to keep your anger in control and avoid arguments. Plans of visiting a religious place with your beloved might pan out. In a nutshell, your week will be full of love and mutual understanding.

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5


You might think creative this week . Your expenses are likely to rise due to the beautification of home or modification of vehicle. This week, you might get financially drained out. So save money in present. Your friend and relative might become a reason of your loss. So, be careful. The key message for you is to listen, What your says. 

Love Predictions: Maintaining the purity of your relationship must be your priority this week. Your week will start with a bang but middle of the week might remind you to maintain the decorum of your relationship. Weekend will prove to be the icing on the cake. YOu might feel inclined towards a colleague in this duration.

Remedy: Avoid trusting anyone blindly.

Fortune Star: 4/5


This week has arrived with not much favorable outcomes. You might suffer from minor health issues. Your efficiency might become low which will directly affect your energy. It is very important to take care of your health. Bachelors are advised to take their decisions of life by themselves. Listen to your heart and maintain a decent behavior with everyone. 

Love Predictions: This week will be pleasant for your love relation. You might have small arguments with your beloved in the beginning of the week but by the mid of the week this are expected to be back on track. End of the week might disturb you a bit. Try to maintain the calm and mutual balance in your relationship. 

Remedy: Offer food to poor and needy people.

Fortune Star: 3/5


This week, take ample of time when you are making some important decision in life. Don’t rush into the things otherwise situation might become worse. Do not carry your precious things along with you while travelling. Otherwise, there are chances that it might get theft. It is very important to take of your health. Also, you need to take care of the elder person in the family. 

Love Predictions: You might have to work hard to make this week fruitful. In this duration, Venus is in the eighth house in Rahu nakshatra which paves the way for misunderstandings and arguments in love relations. The week is expected to begin favourably for you but by the end of the week you might have to make an effort to maintain the decorum and peace in your relationship.

Remedy: Don’t take business related decisions this week.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Love predictions are exclusively prepared by love & marriage expert astrologer Pt. Hanumman Mishra

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