Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2016 Horoscope

Know your horoscope for September 2017 along with remedies and make an impeccable plan for the month. These predictions are made through the principles of Vedic Astrology.


Instead of acting in hurry and taking wrong decisions, listen to your elders. Enemies might try to harm you this month. Talking about your role in domestic life, it seems that you will fulfill your responsibilities with all you can. Taking right decisions might become challenging for you. Profits are possible from partnership works. You will focus on improving your confidence, energy level and enthusiasm. 

Remedy: Don’t accept electrical appliances, blue clothes, steel vessels for free.


Auspicious events are possible in family. Being optimistic, you will accomplish your endeavors on time. You might face difficulties in taking decisions. Using your experience you can free yourself from problems related to livelihood. Don’t depend on your luck solely. Partners will help in getting profits in business. Keep your energy and confidence level up in order to successfully accomplish your plans.

Remedy: Avoid rash driving and behavior.


Being bold and brave will help you in overcoming hurdles of professional life. You might go on short journey with your spouse in the beginning of the month. Matters related to debts involving business, need to be handled very carefully. You will try to lower your expenses on daily routine. Take decisions on your own and avoid listening to others. Income is possible from abroad. You will make money from more than one sources. Profits will increase.

Remedy: Wear bracelet made of Ashtadhatu (combination of eight metals) in your right hand.


Working courageously is going to maximise your profits this month. You may remain full of energy and excitement during this period. Avoid any disputes as your official relations may get affected due to this. Your self confidence might help you in waving off problems in your way. You might get rewarded for your previously done works. There are chances of getting new deals signed overseas. You may plan to expand your business this month.

Remedies: Keep Ganesh Shankh (Ganesha conch) at home.


Ups and downs will come in your domestic relationships. It would be better to try for improvement of relationship with father. Suggestions of your friends will help you a lot in business related activities. Buying and selling of land and property will give benefits. You might invest in some risky areas for a better financial situation. You might make some new friends in foreign journeys. If you are trying for a baby, this month might give you some favorable results. 

Remedy: Establish Sarv Karya Siddhi Yantra in temple of your home either on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursdays in north-east direction.


Analysing yourself is necessary for you. Realising your mistakes and then mending them might prove beneficial. Try to turn situations better both at work and home. Time is crucial for your progress and thus, self evaluation is necessary for you. You might get desired results. Time is good for implementing your strategies. You might use your intellect while doing your work this month. Maintain self confidence in you.

Remedies: Start wearing Gauri Ganesh Rudraksha.


Beginning of the month will be beneficial for those who are engaged in some business. Luck is on your side and is providing you with benefits. Relations with your mother might turn sour this month. Do not get arbitrary over unnecessary things. You might also gain some mental stress. Behave politely with the people around you at your workplace. Beginning of some new secret relationship is predicted for you. Profits from alternate source of income are also foreseen.

Remedies: Start keeping Feng-Shui at your home.


You might have many new plans for yourself this month. You might also start working for a publishing company. You may also find your interest more inclined toward entertainment and fine arts. You may also raise to fame. You might also plan for getting yourself enrolled for higher studies. You may also plan to go to some other country for your studies. Your self-confidence might also get raised. You might get a chance to do important work this month.

Remedies: Offering black umbrella to an old person may prove beneficial for you.


Work boldly and confidently to increase chances of getting profits this month. It is important to maintain distance from tiffs and professional politics. Hard work invested previously will bring fruitful results now. Businessmen working in partnership can expect this month as one of their best ones. Though workload will increase, but directly or indirectly it will strengthen your finances. It is suggested to take decisions instantly, but smartly.

Remedies: Discard all the useless wooden items from your home.


This month will start with a bang for business people. Luck will support you most of the times. However, differences over minor things will lead to tiff between you and your mother. To get the best from your job work in coordination with everyone. You might get into a serious love relationship in the mid of the month. Unexpected profits will surprise you in the first week of this month. Things between you and your spouse look healthy throughout the month.

Remedies: Visit Lord Hanuman temple and worship the Lord wholeheartedly.


September will push you toward entertainment and media field. You will take out time to serve the needy and do charity. If you are a student, try applying for foreign universities. A tremendous rise will be seen in your confidence and zeal. Name & fame will follow you. It is suggested to stay away from bad company and habits such as drinking & smoking. Females will spend money on beauty products and will concentrate on enhancing their looks. 

Remedies: Help the needy and spend time in service of aged people.


Listening to suggestions of people who are older and experienced will give a new shape to your professional life. You will get support of family and friends throughout this month. You might either sell or buy any property. Avoid taking risks this month. Your friend list will increase rapidly. Long distant journeys are possible in the beginning of the month. Students will get results of their hard work.

Remedy: Establish Sarv Karya Siddhi Yantra in your home to conquer problems of personal as well as professional life.

We hope that this horoscope for September 2017 will prove to be useful for you. Make the best out of it and have a good time ahead.

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