Monday, August 29, 2016

Weekly Horoscope 2016 (Aug 29 - Sept 4)

Here, we present Weekly Horoscope for August 29 to September 4, 2016. Now take a look on the this week’s predictions and now what future has to say about your Zodiac sign. All the observations are done by the famous astrologers by analysing the positions of stars. Read below. 

Weekly Horoscope 2016 for August to September is here.

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


Arians, this week will bring many new assignments and contacts that will gonna help you. In business, you will enjoy profitable deals and partner will also support you. You will feel happiness inside, due to your children’s good performance in studies. This week is very favorable if you are going to purchase a land or property. Lastly, you will take decisions from the heart. 

Love Predictions: This week is going to give you mixed results when it comes to love. You may get good results if you push stubbornness under the carpet. Initial few days of the week will yield positive results. You might find a nice place to spend time with your beloved. Weekend is good enough too; however, exercising control over physical urges is going to be a good idea.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Avoid trusting others blindly.


Taureans will going to make their parents feel proud. Chances of getting a proposal are there. Your nice attitude towards things will grab appreciation at work. You are likely to get promoted also. Overall this week is full of proud moments. As stomach related issues is foreseen. it is advisable to take care of your health and try to have light simple food. 

Love Predictions: This week is quite average for the love matters. However, you may get positive outcome if you want to propose someone for marriage. A sojourn is on the cards in the beginning of the week. Try to avoid stress during the middle and enjoy the weekend, as it is good time to try and convert your friendship into love.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Avoid oily and heavy food.


Geminis, there are chances that you are likely to go on a trip with friends & family. While an enjoyable days are ahead with lots of entertainment in it., new friends will be made by you. You may plan a trip with friends or loved ones. You might spend a lot on items like clothes, accessories to stylised your look. You are recommended to balance everything. 

Love Predictions: This week is not very conducive for love matters. It would be good if both of you take proper care of each other and try to avoid uncalled-for arguments. In the beginning of the week, you may feel yourself to be after bliss of life and you might get some success too. Enjoy a bit of entertainment or serenity during the middle. It is good to avoid public display of love this week.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Respect your elders and avoid consuming oily foods.


Cancerians. week is nice with some see-saw moments in it. Quarrels are expected between elder brother & father. Whereas, soulmate will give you a full support. It suggested to be prepare and act calm with everyone. But, do keep your personal and professional separate. Chances of getting defamed are possible. 

Love Predictions: The week is good for love matters, but you may not get ample chances to meet your beloved. However, try to make most out of whatever you get. You might feel a bit emotional in the beginning of the week and your partner will respect it for sure. The middle and the end of this week is conducive enough for you.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Do not get aggressive. Try to stay calm and patient.


Lions, some tensions from past and personal problems might become stressful situation. The need of the break will be needed by you. This week some short and quick trips might be planned. You and your family might face ideological differences. But, do not worry, you will be able to win over them. This time without any doubt take part in competitors, you will do great. 

Love Predictions: It is a good week for those who have a life-long commitment toward each other. However, others might face a bit of discord in their relationship. You may feel a bit of separation during the initial days of the week, but middle is good and you will enjoy love. Weekend is also conducive, but keep a check on you words and do not use cusswords.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Worship God before leaving home.


Virgonians, you will feel energetic. This energetic attitude attitude will help you in completing all the task on their due time. Also, you might become an inspiration for someone this week. It is very important to keep this thing in your mind, while driving, follow all the instructions. With this some unfavorable changes might be felt. Otherwise, good conditions at workplace are there. 

Love Predictions: When it comes to love, this week is going to be usually good for you. Especially, if you are trying to get married soon, you may get some success in your endeavors. Beginning of the week is going to be very conducive for you. You may get enough love during this time. However, middle might prove to be a bit difficult. Weekend is going to be very good, if you keep a check on your actions.

Fortune Star: 2/5

Remedy: Avoid journey alone at night.


Librans, financial life will be spend smoothly. Office Goers might enjoy a promotion or a salary hike this week. With this purchasing power will also increase. So, be careful while spending. Your partner will support you fully, but ideological differences with father & mother are there. This week is favorable but it must requires some alertness. 

Love Predictions: You might get some blended results during this week. It is quite possible that you may not devout enough time to your love life due to professional obligations. However, you should strive to create a balance between personal and professional life. If you are able to strike the balance, both beginning and middle of the week is going to quite good for you. Weekend seems to be a bit average.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Do not spend money uncontrollably. 


Scorpions, time is in the favor if you are studying or going for any competition. It is advisable to put a pause on legal matters and do not proceed. Otherwise desired results will not be achieved. In the mid of this week, you might plan a trip or might go on a pilgrimage. In the weekend you can plan for future, as time is good for you. 

Love Predictions: A good week for love. You may get a proposal through social media, but do not blindly believe anyone. Crosscheck everything properly before you commit even a little. In the beginning, a sojourn with your partner is on the cards. Strive to strike a balance between love and profession during the middle. Weekend seems quite conducive, so enjoy your love-life.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Worshipping Lord Ganesha on daily basis will help you to banish negative powers.


You will spend most of your time in chatting with friends either on whatsapp or on social networking sites. You will not be able to concentrate on work. But, this will not create any problem at workplace. Everything will remain smooth and you will feel relaxed. Some guests may visit your place and keep you occupied. Your social circle will increase and respect will also increase in society.

Love Predictions: In your case, this week seems really good for love matters; especially, if you are thinking about moving in marriage’s direction. Though, beginning of the week might be a bit weak this time. Pay attention to your partner’s feelings. If you do so, middle is going to be better for sure. Weekends is quite conducive. You might feel attraction toward your colleague.

Fortune Star: 3.5/5

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva On daily basis.


Capricorns, an excellent performance at work is foreseen. You might get some eye illness, so take a proper care of hygiene. Also, avoid getting into the arguments with neighbours, otherwise more issues in life will be added. The time is very good to think about the marriage proposals. This is the best time, If some of you are planning to fly abroad. 

Love Predictions: This week may give you mixed results when it comes to love. Try not to attract unwanted attention from others if you feel people may not understand your relationship, and there is certain social stigma about it. Beginning of the week is good, but middle cannot be said so. However, you may feel a bit of respite toward the end.

Fortune Star: 4/5

Remedy: Take care of your eyes. Rinse them properly with water atleast three times a day.


Aquarians, ambitious days are awaiting. You might switch your job, and you will grow steadily. Thus, this time is very good to make financial decisions. Your senior might incharge you, so follow the rules properly like avoid the excess use of phone while at work. You might have to travel due to work which will gain desired outcomes. Do not work continuously & take a needed break. 

Love Predictions: A week that may give mixed results for love matters. To improve it, you must strike a balance between your work and love life. Beginning is good, but a bit of discord–though it is going to be the usual tiff that keeps taking place in love–can be seen during this period. Middle is good, but weekend doesn’t seem to follow the trend. Try to keep a check on your actions.

Fortune Star: 3/5

Remedy: Do not get into any strifes unnecessarily.


Pisceans, week will going to be spent with your loved ones. Some auspicious happening are likely to occur at home. It is recommended to take care of your elder’s health issues. You will be fully supported by parents and at work. Lovers will get some cozy time together and the understanding between them will get strong. People who are related with social and politics work, desired results will be obtained. 

Love Predictions: If you are single, someone may knock on the door of your heart. But make sure you accept the proposal after due diligence–using your brain along with your heart. It is important to examine what is there in other person’s heart before taking any step. Beginning of the week is good, and it’s a good time to propose someone you like. Middle is also encouraging for taking risks in love. Also, weekend is going to be conducive for you.

Fortune Star: 2.5/5

Remedy: Be calm and chant Gayatri Mantra. 

Love Horoscope is exclusive by Pt. Hanumman Mishra.

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