Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekly Horoscope 2016 (Aug 22 - 28)

Take a look on the below predictions analysed by our famous astrologers. Put an end to all your curiosities regarding the future. Our expert’s predictions will surely help you in making plans in advance for future. Now, read below to know what your horoscope has in store for you this week. 

Read Weekly horoscope predictions for this week .

Note: Weekly horoscope is based on your Moon sign. Know your moon sign by clicking here: Moon sign calculator


Arians, this week will be well spent with quality time with friends and it is also expected that you might get close with someone from opposite sex. You might break the hectic schedule, to take some time for rest. Health might become a barrier while concentrating on work. It is recommended to avoid the wastage of time as well as money.

Love Predictions: Generally, this week is good for the love matters. All you need is to behave sober and understanding. But, the starting of the week is a bit week. However, mid looks quite impressive. In this time, you will cherish a lot of love talks. Utilize weekend by going on a picnic or movie.

Remedy: At night it is advisable, not to travel. 

Love Rating: 3.5/5


Taureans, you will be able to handle every tough situation with ease. This time your expenses will increase due to the purchase of a new gadget, clothes or accessories. You might plan to go on a vacation this week. Parents will support you in every dicey situation. You might also, make some memorable moments with your partner. 

Love Predictions: This week is good for the love matters. Especially, if you are finding solace to meet your partner, your wish will get fulfilled. Starting of the week looks exclusively good. If your partner is living far away, meeting is possible in the mid of the week. Weekend looks best.

Remedy: Avoid wastage of money.

Love Rating: 4/5


Geminis, this time you will not be able to perform good deeds. You might face brawls with in-laws while your parents and friends support will also be there for you. Disputes are likely to happen between you and your partner. But, it is advisable, not to take that thing beyond limits. With all this, a relaxing weekend is ahead. 

Love Predictions: This week, you will get good results in love. There are chances that you may go on a tour with your partner and have a lot of fun. Make the best of this time. In the starting days, you may start falling for a colleague. Mid of the week looks awesome for proposing your heartthrob. Though weekend is also good, but avoid taking risks.

Remedy: Avoid ego and arrogance.

Love Rating: 3/5


Cancerians, this week an auspicious event might take place at home. You will do a lot of hard work, which will impress your seniors at work. You will also observe mix state of emotions and some special moments with family may also make you feel emotional. Problems might enter in your life, therefore, it is advisable to stay away from strangers & neighbors. 

Love Predictions: In general, the week is not very supportive for the love matters. Keep a control over your words. Don’t say any type of harsh or abusive words. At the beginning of the week, you may get spiritual thoughts. In the mid, a balance is required between love and work. Weekend will give mixed results.

Remedy: Chant Hanuman Chalisa regularly.

Love Rating: 2.5/5


Lions, This week will be very favorable in money matters. Servicemen & businessmen will enjoy profits. You might fall in a debt trap, so it is advisable not to take loan. Your domestic life might become weak. Relationship with partner & parents might not remain smooth during this time. Children's demand might disturb you. 

Love Predictions: Generally, this week will be good, but keep a control over your sensual thoughts. Especially, in the starting days, you need to behave sober. Try to strike a good balance between love and work in the mid of the week. Weekend will be good, so have all the fun in this time.

Remedy: Gift anything to your mother.

Love Rating: 3.5/5


Virgonians, you will feel very competitive this time. Students will score good marks. There is a good scope to win competitions, so take part, chances to achieve desired result are possible. It is advisable not to depend purely on luck. To fetch positive outcomes, you have to work for it. You might go on an outing with friends this week as well. 

Love Predictions: This week will be of mixed results in love. If you are married or in love with someone, things will stay in your favor. Starting of the week will be exclusively positive for these matters. Mid of the week seems a bit weak, so behave sober. Weekend is positive, you will cherish the ecstasy of love.

Remedy: Offer water to Lord Sun early morning.

Love Rating: 3/5


Librans, you will be able to defeat your enemies this week. Your courageous and enthusiastic attitude will remain high. With this your reputation & respect will increase in your surroundings. Librans, who are into the social work or in politics might get special admiration for their work. You can plan a foreign trip this week, as time is favorable to get good results. 

Love Predictions: In general, this week will give mixed results for love. If you are in long distance relationship, things will be exclusively good. You may also fall for someone through social media or something like that. Starting of the week may come with some little love fights. Mid time needs special attention. Weekend looks comparatively good.

Remedy: Take time in taking important decisions. 

Love Rating: 3/5


Scorpions, this is the time you can switch off your job or commence with a new business. You might also feel to renovate the house. Your spending value might increase on the purchase of luxury items and vehicle. Your spouse might receive good recognition for their performance. You will feel proud this week due to your children. Try avoiding the disputes with family. 

Love Predictions: The week looks positive for the love matters. If you are single and looking for a partner, this week might turn out to be helpful. If you are a student, you may fall for someone in the starting of the week. You may feel like to take risks in the mid of the week. Married ones will have a good time, but weekend looks a bit weak.

Remedy: Control your expenses.

Love Ratings: 4/5


Sagittarians, freshness will boom into your relationship. Charm will be maintained in the relationship with sweetheart. This week your communication skills will get improved. People around you will appreciate you. You might experiment this time with new things, but be careful, otherwise you might have to bear the loss. 

Love Predictions: The week looks generally good. If your partner is staying a bit distant because of religious reasons, don’t force the one for few days. In the starting days, you may stay a bit stressed due to some reason. But, mid of the week will bring a lot of love. Weekend also looks positive.

Remedy: Avoid taking risk.

Love Rating: 3.5/5


Capricorns, you can call it a favorable week. Businessmen & office goers will get many profitable deals & promotion in the position. It is also expected that you may donate or do something for the needy people. This week is good to make new investments and decisions. People who are in the field of media, glamour, land or property will gain benefits. 

Love Predictions: The week seems to be giving some really good results, but take special care of your words. Try to spend time together in starting days like watching movies or hanging out somewhere. You may meet at a safe place. But, if it doesn’t satisfy you, have a good time at weekend because you may experience the ecstasy during this time.

Remedy: Engage yourself in social activities. 

Love Rating: 3/5


Aquarians, this week health issues might occur. Issues related to stomach might be troublesome. Children’s demand regarding vacation might make you think to plan a trip. Take care of elder members in the family, they might get sick due to some chronic illness. Aquarians, your efficiency at work is also likely to fall. So, be careful. 

Love Predictions: The week will be mixed for the love matters. Make love, but don’t do anything that may harm your work or reputation. If possible, have food at some good place and lovely chit-chat in the starting days. Have some entertainment in the mid of the week. Weekend will be risk free. So, cherish the love without getting stressed.

Remedy: Keep an eye on the health of elder ones in your family. 

Love Rating: 3/5


Pisceans, this week there are chances that you might visit some sacred place. Also, you will be able to receive love of your relatives. People around you will now realise your good humour and will spend time with you. Spouse concern about you will get more deeper. Children might demand something unwanted, so handle them with love. And, avoid junk food. 

Love Predictions: The week is showing positivity generally. In the starting days, you may feel too emotional, but avoid any argument being in emotions. Mid of the week is good. If possible, try to spend good time together. Weekend may stay a bit stressed, but you may feel good sharing things with each other.

Remedy: You are required to go on a pilgrim.

Love Rating: 3/5

Hope you enjoyed reading your love horoscope by Pt. Hanumman Mishra.

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