Monday, June 13, 2016

Weekly Horoscope 2016 (June 13 - June 19)

Your weekly horoscope with exclusive love predictions for the duration of June 13 to 19, 2016 is here. Read these predictions based on Vedic astrology and follow the remedies to make your life even more blissful...

Weekly horoscope from June 13 to 19, 2016 is here


You will love the work you are doing and will be eager to give your best in it. However, do not take much stress as there are chances that your colleagues and seniors might not cope up with you. The reason might be your over possessiveness toward everything related to you. Avoid any work related journeys and make sure you do not use any harsh words. 

Love Predictions: Arians, this is the week in which you will gain amalgamated results through love life. As per your horoscope, you are required to keep yourself away from conflicts and avoid being egoistic. Also, delay your plans if planning to go on a trip together. In the initial days of the week some tiffs might happen, but it will not detract you from love. Mid week seems pleasing, while weekend looks weak. Thus, control your personal desires. 

Remedy: Worship regularly and stay calm.

Ratings: 3/5


Take care of your health if you have blood-pressure problem. It will be good to avoid saying anything offensive to anyone especially to your in-laws. You might plan a trip to a religious place or any auspicious event might be organised by your family. This is really a good time to those who are preparing for any competitive exams. 

Love Predictions: Taureans, the week is as precious as the ocean’s treasure in terms of love relationship. Your long pending wish to meet your love partner and chit chat heart-to-heart-talks will now be fulfilled in peaceful place. The beginning of the week is auspicious, you may get a love proposal. In mid-week some unnecessary grudges might arrive. Lastly, the weekend is quiet better, good results are expected especially for the married ones. 

Remedy: Take care of your daily routine and eating habits.

Ratings: 3.5/5


You will get full support of your luck and with get benefits from everywhere. You will get profit in business or might get some good news in office, maybe a promotion. The natives will have full support of their parents. If there is any legal matter going on, it will be delayed for some time. Pending tasks will end in your favor giving happiness. You will have great time with your friends. 

Love Predictions: Geminis, an auspicious week is here for you. You will be granted with many opportunities to have fun and entertainment. Couples, who are living far away from each other, the beginning of the week is favorable to meet your partner. While in midweek, love will get more deeper and singles may get love proposals. Moreover, weekend is wonderful, although possibilities of arising disputes are there. 

Remedy: Worship Lord Hanuman regularly.

Ratings: 4/5 


You might go to a trip or might make big plan to go somewhere you want to. Loved ones will be there to love you so much that you will forget everything else. The natives are also going to get full support of their parents. In this week, you might buy a new gadget or anything that you are crazy about. Try to be cooperative with others and do not indulge in any quarrel. Take care of yourself. 

Love Predictions: This week for Cancerians will going to be full of mixed results. Chances of getting good results are more provided you know your partner’s acquaintances. In the starting of the week lots of fun and frolic activities with soulmate are possible. Good results in the middle of the week are expected. You will also cherish beautiful moments with love partner at undisturbed place. But, over weekend your mood might spoil due to some reason or might get sick. 

Remedy: Avoid working on laptop for long to protect your eyes.

Ratings: 3.5/5


You are going to spend most of your time on internet surfing. You always love talking to your friends and you will get enough opportunity for that this week. You have to take care of your mother’s health but do not worry as the things will be better in the middle days of the week. You might be busy at home in the weekend as some guests might arrive. People will feel attracted toward your personality. 

Love Predictions: Lions, week is auspicious to fulfil your passionate desires. Moreover, if you are looking forward to tie a knot, many good proposals are on its way. However, beginning of the week is good, but you are advised to maintain distance from conflicts. Midweek is comparatively better, many outgoing activities will going to be obtained. Lastly, weekend seems little unfavorable. So, be careful. 

Remedy: Performing charity as per your ability will produce some special benefits.

Ratings: 3.5/5


You will be full of courage and intelligence which will make you the hero of all the hurdles you are going to face. There will be times when you will feel a little stressed with some issues going on in your relationship but they won’t last longer. Take care of valuable items and listen to your elders. The predictions suggest you to be polite with everyone. 

Love Predictions: Virgonians, this week you may rush for things. Even though you are suggested to welcome the week with full joy as it will going to be very beautiful for your personal fantasies to become real with soulmate. The rest days of the week are wonderful. Especially, in initial days of the week, a romantic side will come out in you. Mid week will be of mixed outcomes. Moreover, weekend can be made entertaining by spending it with your love partner. 

Remedy: Worshiping Lord Shiva will increase the auspiciousness for you.

Ratings: 3.5/5


Your impressive personality will make everyone your fan. The decision making ability will improve a lot. All the decisions you are going to take during this week are going to be the right ones. People will come to you for suggestions. However, you will be much occupied with your work. You will behave very nicely with others and it will make you famous.

Love Predictions: Librans, this week you are required to act wisely to get satisfactory results. Due to excessive workload or health issues, love life might get affected. First day of the week is average, but midweek has potential to yield good results. Moreover, in the weekend some verbal disputes with love partner are possible.

Remedy: Donate things like clothes, food, milk as per your ability.

Ratings: 3/5


Scorpions, there are chances that you will get transfer from your office or might change the job. As a consequence you will get beneficial results. The ones who are staying apart from family will go and visit them or someone might come to meet you. The predictions warn you to drive careful and avoid travelling at night. Your friend might ask for your help. 

Love Predictions: The week will be usually good for the matters of love, but try to keep a control over your sensual thoughts. There are chances of getting really good results in the beginning, but mixed results will be observed in the mid of the week. You might get less time for love, but don’t take any irresponsible step at the weekend being emotional. 

Remedy: Avoid thinking about small things.

Ratings: 3.5/5


Sagittarians, you might not be able to spend much time with their loved ones as this week will keep you very occupied. As a result your children will miss your attention. You will be more concerned about your work and will enjoy it. Any auspicious event in your family might occur, so be ready to attend it. Parents will support so nothing to worry.

Love Predictions: In general, the week will be mixed for the loved matters. However, if you will be able to keep a control over your anger or frustration, results will be quite favorable. You may start falling for a colleague at the beginning of the week. If you want to take things further, mid of the week will be positive. However, weekend is less favorable comparatively.

Remedy: Worshiping Lord Ganesha will help in eliminating hurdles of your work.

Ratings: 3.5/5


Capricorns, you will want to spend your income on luxurious items for your home. You might buy a new sofa or any other furniture. There are chances that you will want a break from busy work schedule and go to a adventurous trip. Any old friend might get in touch with you. Some auspicious event might be organised by your family. Try to be calm if you find anything disturbing on the way.

Love Predictions: Usually, the week will be mixed for the love matters. If you find a situation of tiff and discord, try to settle it down. Try to visit a religious place at the beginning of the week, you will feel blessed. If you will try to maintain a balance between work and love during the mid of the week, things will be better. Mixed results will be followed at the weekend, but avoid any argument.

Remedy: Avoid wastage of money.

Ratings: 3/5 


Aquarians, your seniors will be there to support you at office as you are performing great. Rewards or promotion are waiting for you on the way. You might be busy in the starting days of the week which will make you busy for your family as well. However, you will take a breath in the middle days as some relatives might come to your place. Take care of health in the last days of the week. 

Love Predictions: In general, you will get positive results. If you have fallen for a neighbor and you are in confusion, there are chances that the other person also loves you. However, in the beginning, you will have to behave quite sober; otherwise reputation might get harmed. Mid of the week is comparatively better. You will be able to protect your dignity by staying alert at the weekend.

Remedy: Take care of your health in busy schedule.

Ratings: 3.5/5


You will succeed in defeating those who envy you or those who do not want to see you grow. Take care of your diet as some stomach problem might be there. Some good news will come via children or young ones. Singles will get marriage proposals or might find the special one in this week. Those who are in politics will get benefits from public. 

Love Predictions: Pisceans, this week will give mixed outcomes through love life. Moreover, as per your horoscope you are advised to avoid being emotional. Beginning of the week is going to be good. Pisceans, who are married or are ready to get married will achieve wonderful results. The middle of the week is comparatively less favorable. Thus, being moralistic will be good. Lastly, weekend is better, but you may find difficulties to take time for love. 

Remedy: Drive carefully and slowly.

Ratings: 3/5

Love predictions are exclusively prepared by love & marriage expert astrologer Pt. Hanumman Mishra.

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