Saturday, March 29, 2014

Venus Transit In Pisces (April 28, 2014)

Venus will transit in Pisces on April 28. Venus is the planet of love and tenderness, but how lovely will it be for us? Will it bring favorable results or unfavorable? Read the article by Pt. Hanumman Mishra to know the answer.

Venus is transiting in Pisces on April 28, 2014. This transit is favorable for the couples who are facing tensions in their married life. Women harassment issues will decline. Cosmetic industries will get tremendous benefits. When Venus will be transit in Pisces, ascendant Capricorn will rise and Venus will travel from ascendant Capricorn to the third house. Films released during this phase will be successful in entertaining the audiences. There is a huge possibility of a woman candidate winning an election, irrespective it takes place anywhere in the country.

हिन्दी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें…

Now, let’s discuss the impacts of this transit on the zodiac signs:

Aries: You are expected to spend money on items related to luxury and comfort. During the period, you will be experiencing high standards of marriage and love life. There is a need to restrain from sensual pleasures, as they may lead to concerning issues. You should be cautious of your opponents and anti-personal approaches. Overall, financial condition will be stable during the period.

Taurus: During this transit period, each of your efforts will turn into fruitful results. Friends and well-wishers will be supportive. Your expectations and desires will be fulfilled during the period. Travelling is suggested to be beneficial for the Taureans. Familial happiness will also be achieved of high standards. Relation with friends and colleagues will remain good. Although expenses will be high, income will be compensating the expenditure with regular increments.

Gemini: You are expected to achieve an important milestone in your profession. This will multiply your fame. You will be able to act judiciously in unfavorable situations. There will be an improvement in relations with business partners or customers. You can expect a respectable behavior by the family members. Business tours are possible during the period.

Cancer: You are expected to receive recognition and respect from reputed people. Familial life will be pleasant, where relations with guardians will soothen. There is the possibility to tour abroad. Family life will remain harmonious. Increment at workplace is foreseen. Promotion as per your expectations is possible. It is possible that the mind is drawn toward religious activities.

Leo: This is the time to be cautious for Lions. You should not perform a misdeed that stains your image. Do not let sensual thoughts overpower your mind. Take care of your health. Leisure travels should not be given much importance. There is the possibility to gain wealth; but, try to keep aside the unnecessary expenses. Relatives and acquaintances will prove to be supportive.

Virgo: The witty side of your personality will be reflected during the transit period. You may go on some leisure trip. Accompaniment of a feminine spouse will prove to be beneficial. This period will grow your inclination toward performing music and arts. Your will perform extremely well in your work field. There will be an increment in the income. Family life will be pleasant; however, minor health issues are possible.

Libra: You should keep aside sensual thoughts, during this transit period. Take care of your health. Workload might be tedious, although the environment at the workplace will be consoling. You should think, act and react, as your opponent seems to get dominant on you. Avoid misunderstandings with women to pacify things. It is also advised to bring control on expenditure.

Scorpio: The transit will glorify your social status. Family life will remain prosperous. Awaited desires will be fulfilled, during the period. Social circle will increase and you will meet old Possibly, you will be communicated regarding a good news. Overall, success will be in your grasp during the transit.

Sagittarius: The transit period brings an increment in your status and income level. Family life will be at peace. There is the possibility to get an profitable deal. Any occasion might be organized in family. Journeys will be rewarding. Opponents won’t get success in harming you. A new entrant is likely in your family. Efforts will prove successful.

Capricorn: This transit will bring zeal and enthusiasm into your life. Small journeys and family environment will be prosperous. Contacts with people will increase. Work front will improve. As this time is highly in your favor, awaited desires will be fulfilled. Concerns related to children or romance is likely to be solved, during this period.

Aquarius: During this time, you will spend good time with family. You will be able to use your wits in difficult situations. Income will increase. Auspicious activity will be held in family. You will enjoy the company of a women. You will grow a taste toward delicious food delicacies. You may also spend on domestic items.

Pisces: This period will bring happiness in your life. Overall atmosphere around you will be prosperous. You will feel inclined toward women. This is a favorable time for married and love life. Little efforts can raise your income, immensely. Health should be taken care of.

By Hanuman Mishra

Event Of The Day!

Today i.e. on March 29, is Masik Shivratri. This day is highly rewarding for the women. To know about Masik Shivratri in depth, please click here - Masik Shivratri 2014

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