Thursday, March 6, 2014

Flowers: A Medium To Attain Spirituality

Spirituality is the process to regard things that are opposed to material interests. But, do you know that each flower has its own unique way that can enhance our practice to be spiritual? In this article, we will let the readers touch the intangible spirituality through the ever pampering, bright flowers. 

The power of flowers takes one toward spirituality

Flowers carry the belongings of joy, sorrow and eternity which lie beyond the concerns of the human world. Apart from the colour, essence and texture of a flower, there is something more to it i.e. aspiration, emanation and aspect. These together form the spiritual significance of a flower. Each flower possesses its own spiritual significance and we have tried to showcase the same by highlighting the spirituality of various flowers through this article. 

Let’s begin with descriptions of various flowers and their roles in the spirituality of our lives. 

Daisy: A harmonic proposal

Daisies represent harmonic flow in humans.
Daisies represent kindness and purity. The spiritual power of daisy brings similar-minded people together, settling their differences and restoring harmony and peace. Vibes of this flower communicates with your sub-conscious thoughts of love and tenderness. It connects you to the stage that is beyond the realms of reality. Such an intrapersonal communication leads to inner satisfaction.

How daisy & spirituality are connected?

  • Daisy flowers increase inner strength, creativity and awareness
  • The flower tells that one should harmonize themselves to get closer to spirituality

Carnation: A timely affair

Carnation works as a healer to one’s spirituality.Although, all carnations indicate a potent spirituality, each colour of carnation has its own meaning. Carnations signify self love and healing. The beauty of this flower lies in the fact that it guides us to find affection and care that connects us to each other’s soul. This flower has a wide range of colors and each color takes us closer to spirituality in one or the other way.

How carnation is related to spirituality?

  • Keeping the flower with you will keep you connected to the universe
  • Pink carnations help in developing maternal relation with the world and worldly things
  • Red colored carnations ease the decision making ability of a person
  • Carnations are believed to be a carrier of spirituality

Chrysanthemum: The disciplined admiration

A chrysanthemum strengthens one’s commitment toward a spiritual practice.These beautiful flowers are undoubtedly magical with outstanding spiritual properties. The petals of a chrysanthemum represents the flower’s devoutness to the nature. Similarly, a person should follow strictness in one’s life to practice spirituality. A chrysanthemum flower denotes cheerfulness and love. It acts a linkage between us and the surrounding environment.

Relation between spirituality and chrysanthemum

  • If kept at the place of worship, chrysanthemum enhances the concentration and discipline level
  • It also represents well-practised devotion to the Almighty
  • Research says that when one observes fast or any other religious activity then chrysanthemum helps in strengthening the commitment

Lotus: A floating meditation

Lotus represents Lord Buddha’s illumination
It helps in attaining the process of constant meditation. In any state of openness, a lotus honours your linkage to the world. It also includes the part of the spiritual world beyond the mortal coil. 

It is one of the prime symbols of Buddhism that represents enlightenment. Each petal of the Lotus flower represents the energy centres within us that illuminates our spirituality. 

How can a floating flower help us in reaching divinity?

  • Lotus helps in attaining salvation (Moksha) by taking you closer to divinity
  • A lotus enhances your focus and determination toward a fixed aim 

Orchid: Accepted Companionship

Orchids are the perfect companions that supports during spiritual breakthroughsOrchid acts a great companion during a period of spiritual breakthrough. An orchid has the ability to track events over a span of time. Generally, an orchid plant is placed at a sunlit place where you spend the most of time. 

How can an Orchid be a true companion for you?

  • It is believed that an orchid if tends to wilt away, represents how far you have moved from a specific accomplishment
  • On the other hand, if the plant thrives, it defines that you have maintained the achieved status

Lily: Karma-tic coordinator

Lilies are strong sources that encourages the concept of resurrection.Lily teaches us that life should be lead without worrying about what others think about us. These beautiful flowers remind us that we should perform good Karmas (deeds) without expecting appreciation from others. Serving the humanity without selfish motive is gives the greatest reward and that’s what what lily teaches us.

How can a Lily reward you for your Karmas?

  • A lily represents resurrection and a immortal life
  • There is a strong belief that the human mind and its sensual integrity is maintained by the lily flower 

While growing with flowers was a pampering idea earlier, we hope after reading this article you have realised about the spirituality present within these bright, tiny petals. Growing in contact with flowers is a part of a divine Yoga that helps us to explore our own psychic being- the divine within us.

You may also like to read: How can flowers help in healing?

Event Of The Day !

To know the result of today’s match, please click here - Bangladesh Vs Sri Lanka 10th ODI 

Click here for today’s stock market predictions: Sensex - Nifty Predictions

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