Friday, February 14, 2014

Secret To Make Valentine’s Day 2014 Successful

Valentine’s Day in 2014 is no more a mystery for you. This 14th of February, the love life expert astrologer of AstroSage, Pt. Hanumman Mishra has brought you the astrological predictions for this beautiful day of love. So, plan your Valentine’s Day in advance with these predictions.

Valentine’s Day 2014 horoscope predictions

For Indians, every day is a Valentine's Day. All of us try to take our each relation as if every day is the Valentine’s Day. But, day-by-day, we are getting so much busy in our lives that we fail in giving our loved ones the desired time. In foreign countries, to deal with this, people celebrate ‘Valentine’s Day’. As India is getting influenced by these countries; therefore, the impact of this day has increased here. While some people like the traditions of this day, others oppose it. But, I am in favor of both the admirers and opponents of this day.

If you are planning to propose someone this Valentine's Day i.e. on February 14, 2014; it is very important for you to know the result of your proposal. Also, you should know the do’s and don’ts of this day. The reason behind is that that living with a depressed mind is not easy. Taking the right decision on this Valentine's Day will help you in living a happy life with your partner.

Valentine’s Day 2014 Horoscope

Aries: This Valentine's Day, Moon is in your 4th house. If you are planning to propose someone who is in your familial relation, your decision will prove favorable. However, ascendant lord is posited in 7th house along with Saturn and Rahu; therefore, make sure that your decision does not give rise to conflicts. Position of 5th house lord in 11th house will boost your confidence for proposing your sweetheart. Along with other presents, don’t forget red and yellow flowers to gift your Valentine. 

Taurus: Moon is posited in your 3rd house. You will be quite excited to meet your Valentine. But, due to position of Venus in 8th house, you may feel that you are not looking that attractive on this Valentine's Day. The person you will choose today may prove to be a good life partner. Also, he/she will prove helpful to your work front. However, Saturn’s aspect over Moon may give some mental stress. 5th house lord is retrograde and combust, due to which you may have to put more efforts in expressing yourself. Just for the sake of fun and joy, don't say anything that may hurt the other person. Along with other surprises, don’t forget a perfume in green bottle to gift your Valentine. 

Gemini: On this Valentine’s Day, you may get success in finding a person with whom you can spend the rest of your life. Position of Moon in your 2nd house is indicating that you are planning to gift something really expensive to your Valentine. Venus, being the lord of 5th house, is situated in its own constellation; therefore, you will get success in impressing your Valentine. However, due to the position of malefic planets in your 5th house, you need to keep a watch over your speech and control your temper. Along with other gifts, make sure to surprise your Valentine with perfume in blue bottle. 

Cancer: On this Valentine’s Day, Moon is situated in your 1st house; therefore, you will get happiness. But, the position of the lord of the 5th house in 4th house along with malefic planets may indicate that your Valentine is having some anxiety. He/She might be desiring to be with a wrong person. However, if you are interested in marrying that person, the conjunction of 5th house lord and 7th house lord may not give above mentioned results, rather it will help you in marrying your Valentine. This means that keeping patience will yield favorable results. Along with other gifts, add a red dress. 

Leo: Moon is posited in your 12th house on this Valentine's Day. This situation is not considered favorable. If you are trying to get into a relationship just for the sake of fun, it would be better to change your mind. Because, if you acted patiently with pure feelings, you may get an amazing life partner. Jupiter, being the 5th house lord, is aspecting 5th house from 11th house and Venus is situated in 5th house. Therefore, you may get good results. But, due to the aspect of Saturn, even a little carelessness may connect you with a wrong person. Hence, take decision with patience. On this Valentine's Day, make sure to gift yellow color dress to your Valentine. 

Virgo: This valentine day will be quite memorable for you. If you are still single and planning to propose someone, this decision will prove quite favorable. Good news is that the person whom you are interested in, is also interested in you. Your Valentine will prove to be lucky for you. However, some dispute is possible if your valentine is from your work front or belongs to the family of a close relative. Along with other presents, gift your Valentine a shiny dress of blue color. 

Libra: This Valentine's Day, Moon is posited in your 10th house and is being aspected by Saturn, the 5th house lord. Hence, if you are planning to propose someone who belongs to your workplace, it will be a good decision. However, if you are planning to indulge in more than one relationship, it won't prove good for you. In that condition, you may lose the real love and may opt a wrong person. Also, if you are starting a relation in lust, it won't prove favorable either. With other gifts, you should surprise your Valentine with perfume in a blue bottle. 

Scorpio: Moon is posited in your 9th house. If your Valentine is living far away from you, you should try to meet him/her. If you are going to travel to meet your Valentine, it will be favorable to you. You may get a new proposal which may prove quite fortunate for you. However, if you had an affair in your past, you may face some problems due to the one. It would be better to either accept that relation completely or leave it for ever. The person you will choose today will not only prove lucky for you, but will also prove to be a good life partner. Surprise your Valentine with red and yellow flowers bouquet along with other presents. 

Sagittarius: If you are planning to find a love interest, who you are willing to make your life partner too, you will get success. However, position of Moon in 8th house may give you a feeling of insecurity. If you are facing any differences with your Valentine, this is the right time to sort those issues with love. It is important to take care of your Valentine’s feelings. This Valentine’s Day, gift a red dress wrapped in a yellow packet to your Valentine. 

Capricorn: You will get happiness on this Valentine’s Day. Personality of your Valentine will be very attractive, but he/she might be a little stubborn. Due to the position of 9th house lord in 2nd house, you family will accept your Valentine quite easily. If you try to control your temper, you can resolve the existing differences between you and your Valentine. Behave accordingly, keeping all these things in mind. To improve your relation, gift your valentine a perfume in blue bottle. 

Aquarius: Moon is posited in your 6th house on this Valentine’s Day. Mercury, the 5th house lord is situated on ascendant. 5th house is getting effects of benefic planets; therefore, you will get good results. You will get someone as per your expectations. He/she will take care of your feelings. However, doubting his/her character may develop differences in your relation. If you are attached with more than one person, it may harm you. With the effects of benefic planets, try to choose the best person from all of them for lifetime. Doing so will fetch prosperity in your life. Presenting perfume in a green bottle will strengthen your love bond. 

Pisces: On this Valentine’s Day, Moon is posited in your 5th house. This means that either you have more than one options, as your Valentine or you may get more than one proposals. It would be good if you take the best decision. Taking right decision on this Valentine’s Day will bless you with a person for a long term relationship. If you are planning to go somewhere with your Valentine, your wish is likely to get fulfilled. This Valentine’s Day, along with other gifts, don’t forget to gift your valentine a red and yellow colored dress wrapped in white packet. 

So, this was all I had for Valentine’s Day 2014. Subscribe us to stay in tune for more such interesting stuff. Also, if you liked it, please share.

Event Of The Day!

The Valentine’s Day is really auspicious from Hindu point of view too. It is because today is Purnima. The full moon day (Purnima) is considered quite auspicious in Hindu mythology. If you wish to know more about this day, please click here - Purnima 2014

On this auspicious day, one more major event is there. That is the birthday of Saint Ravidas.

Click here for today’s stock market predicitions - Sensex - Nifty Predictions

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