Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Retrogression of Mercury in Aquarius (February 7, 2014)

Mercury will retrograde in Aquarius on February 7, 2014. Till February 28, 2014, it will reside in the same sign. This retrogression will bring favorable results for some signs, and non-favorable for others. To know what these effects are, read this article. 

Mercury transit in Aquarius

Mercury will be getting retrograde in Aquarius on February 7, 2014. Till February 28, 2014; it will last in the same sign. Being a humane planet, Mercury takes the attributes of planets conjoined with it. This time Mercury will be joining Sun from February 13, 2014. 
Let’s read the general effects of this retrogression on the natives:

Aries: At this time, luck may not favor you much and legal matters might get delayed. It is suggested to be careful, as conflicts with friends and younger siblings are possible. Keep control on your expenses or they might rise up. You may feel annoyed from your servants. Take care of your communication gadgets, as they may not work properly. 

Taurus: During this time, be careful and refrain from making speculations and trusting anyone blindly. We suggest you to invest carefully. Windows of your house may need renovation. Your children may feel physically weak, which may affect their academic performance. It is suggested to carefully analyze the electrical wiring of your house and office. Love life may see some ups and downs. 

Gemini: You may find difficulty in making decisions. During this time, your popularity will increase. You will do good deeds and will get good results in return. We suggest you to take care of your mother’s health. Due to your own laziness, your work may get delayed. 

Cancer: There will be an expenditure on trivial things. You may overcome from your debts, with time. It would be good if you stay self-dependent, as friends may not support you. You may feel distracted and therefore, you may not pay attention in family activities. Be careful, as conflict with spouse is possible.

Leo: During this time, you may get short tempered. You may spend on your spouse. There may be some delay in getting finances. Friends may not support you and differences may pop up. Your partner may become demanding. You may enjoy pleasure of union.

Virgo: At this time, take good care of your health. Children of this sign may face some problems. You may face some troubles in your personal life. Secret desires may inculcate within you. Authorities may not support you.

Libra: This time is challenging for those who are into entertainment media industry. You may face some troubles in your personal life. At this time, luck may not prove much favorable for you. You may find duality in choosing your future steps.

Scorpio: During this time, you will witness progress at work front. You may plan about selling your current home and buying a new one. It is suggested to take care of your thighs and ankle, during this period. You may get money from scrupulous sources.

Sagittarius: You may go on some short trips with your family; though, these trips may not yield fruitful results. You may go to a holy place. Problems in personal life are foreseen, at this time. Workfront may give you some challenges; however, things will get resolved soon. 

Capricorn: During this time, you may gain through debts. It is suggested to take care of your father’s health. Luck may not favor you, as per expectations. Your maternal uncle may visit you. You may face some issues with your subordinates. 

Aquarius: This time demands wise thinking. You may face troubles in concentrating. You may feel annoyed and restless, during this time. 

Pisces: You may go for a leisure trip. This transit won't be having much effects on you, be it favorable or unfavorable. There will be travels due to work. You may face There may be some problems in getting things in order. You may also face problems while communicating with others.

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