Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sunanda Pushkar: Death Mystery Solved

Sunanda Pushkar, the wife of Shashi Tharoor, was a well known personality. She was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Postmortem report is out now. But, quite confusing. However, we have thrown some light on the exact reason of her death. Read on to know the exact reason.

 Sunanda Pushkar

I had predicted the Sunanda’s death reason in advance, but then I thought of making it available for those who are comfortable in English. Please click here to read in Hindi -

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें...

The postmortem report indicates that Sunanda Pushkar died due to the overdose of medicines. However, her death is still a mystery. But, you need not to wait for the real reason, it has been discovered by our expert astrologer Pt. Hanumaan Mishra. Read on the article to explore more about Sunanda Pushkar, Shashi Tharoor, and Sunanda’s death mystery. 

Sunanda Pushkar was not only known because of IPL or being Shashi Tharoor’s wife who is the Minister of HRD. Instead, she was also the centre of attraction for her lifestyle and beauty. Usually, people associate beauty with Moon. Even our Bollywood movies have lots of songs dedicated to the comparison of beauty with Moon. Astrology also believes in this fact. Sunanda Pushkar’s beauty could undoubtedly be compared with Moon, but now she is found dead under suspicious circumstances. 

Be it politicians or anyone from the film industry, all are stunned on Sunanda’s unexpected death incident. She was found dead in South Delhi’s hotel ‘Leela’, room number 345 on 17th of January, 2014. As we all know, the exact reason for her death would never be revealed by police authorities. Undoubtedly, the police investigation in our country has always been a matter of biasing. Especially when it’s the matter related to Central Minister, then it would definitely create doubts. This time also, it wasn’t clear from the initial phase of police investigation, what the exact reason could be for Sunanda’s mysterious death. 

Before her death, Sunanda Pushkar tweeted on a social networking site, Twitter. She had put serious allegations on Shashi Tharoor about his relations with a Pakistani female journalist. She alleged that the journalist is an ISI agent. Not only this, but Sunanda also revealed that she took up all the charges during IPL to save her husband. Under all these conditions, it is indicated that there may be ISI involvement as well, behind her unexpected death. Another reason may be to keep the ugly truth of IPL hidden. These all may have been the reasons, but as per astrology, the result is different. Let’s know the true reason explored by our expert astrologer, Pt. Hanumaan Mishra.

As per the information, Sunanda Pushkar was born on 1 January, 1962 at 5 P.M. in Gemini ascendant and zodiac Libra. Her first marriage was with Sanjay Raina, a native of Kashmir, in the Mahadasha (major period) of Jupiter and Antardasha (sub-period) of Venus. In her Kundali (birth chart), Jupiter is the 7th house lord, while Venus being 5th house lord is situated in 7th house. In the year 1991, she married for the second time in the major period of Saturn and sub-period of Mercury. Mercury is the lord of the ascendant and posited in the 7th house of marriage being 4th house lord. In 1997, under the major period of Saturn and sub-period of Moon, her second husband died in a road accident. Moon is the lord of second house, which is fatal for Sunanda. Along with this, Moon is also eighth from her husband’s house, where Rahu is also posited. In her chart, Moon is posited in the constellation of Rahu. Hence, Moon broke her family bond. After these planetary periods, the sub-periods of Mars, Rahu & Jupiter came under the major period of Saturn. These planetary conjunctions provided her many other facilities, but along with a feeling of isolation in married life. 

From November 2005, the major period of Mercury (her ascendant) started, which brought some improvements in her life, as compared to Saturn. In the major period of Mercury, the effect of Venus’s sub-period commenced from April 2009, which lasted till February 2012. This Dasha, not only made her fell in love with Shashi Tharoor, but also helped her in marrying him. From February 2012 to December 2012, effect of Sun’s sub-period in Mercury’s major period prevailed on her. This Dasha (period) was also favorable for her. However, at present, she was under the influence of Moon’s sub-period in Mercury’s major period, which commenced from December 2012. 

As we have seen earlier that Moon is her lord of the second house, which is not only fatal for her, but also eighth from her husband’s house; where Rahu is also posited. Additionally, Moon is in the constellation of Rahu. Hence, the period of Moon is giving quite adverse effects to the lady. Last time, when Moon’s sub-period came in major period of Saturn, she lost her second husband and was depressed for quite a long time. Also, she lived all alone during that time. This time, Moon’s sub-period in Mercury’s major period again brought disappointments and resentments in her life. Some major issue was definitely going on between her and her husband, which is indicated by the Dasha periods too. Moon is in the Nakshatra (constellation) of Rahu; therefore, attraction of her husband toward a foreigner lady is quite obvious. 

Moon is aspected by Saturn in her Kundali and is in Rahu’s Nakshatra (constellation). Here, point to be noted is that aspect of Saturn on Moon is believed to give sadness and disappointments. Moreover, when Saturn is in 8th house, the extent of disappointment increases and the native starts thinking of committing suicide. It is said that when Moon and Saturn are opposite to each other, due to transit; the incidents of suicide increases. At the time of Sunanda’s death, this transit is seen. On 17th of January, 2014; Moon was present in Saturn’s Pushya Nakshatra at 16:08 IST. It is important to note that Moon was under the influence of Saturn and Rahu at the time of her birth as well as time of her death. Hence, during this time, possibilities of suicide looks quite high. On the day of January 17, 2014, she stayed in quite a gloomy state. At 16:08 IST, Moon switched its place to the Mercury’s constellation Ashlesha. Planet Mercury is related to the medicines. Additionally, in Sunanda’s Kundali, Mercury is the lord of the ascendant as well as fourth house. Mercury gives good health in positive conditions; on the contrary, afflicted Mercury can be quite health hazardous. At the time of her death, the planetary periods (Dasha) was Mercury-Moon-Ketu-Mercury-Jupiter. Rest other aspects and periods of planets have been already discussed, which are mostly indicating that it is a suicide. Now, we need to know the medium of death.

From the planetary periods and transits, her ascendant and eighth house seems to be more influenced by Saturn, Rahu, Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn and Rahu are the significators of poison as well as medicine. On the other hand, Jupiter is the lord of the tenth house. In Uttarkalamrit, medicines and doctor are considered from the tenth house. It is natural that the bad effects of medicines should be considered from the fourth house, which is in adverse to the tenth house. Additionally, we can also include the sixth house. As Mercury is also putting effects at the time of death; and in the transit, Mercury, the lord of the fourth house is in eighth and lord of the sixth house, Mars is in fourth house; there is a high possibility that medicines have become the reason of death. Yes, because of the Mars’s transit position in fourth and lord of the fourth house’s position in eighth, domestic tiff would have been quite huge. Saturn and Mars both are aspecting seventh house. Hence, there is a high possibility of domestic violence too. But, the reason of death should be suicide.

Now, postmortem report could be anything, as sometimes it doesn’t come right. But, astrology is indicating that she has done suicide and for that, she used medicines as the medium. This is the only conclusion we are getting, rest only God knows the truth.

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