Sunday, January 26, 2014

Republic Day 2014: The Fate Of India

Republic Day is celebrated in India for the independence of laws in our country. On 26th January, 1950; India became a democratic country. Read this article to know more about the astrological aspects of Republic Day 2014 in India.

Republic Day, the 26 January 2014, astrology prediction of India.
On 26th January, 1950, India’s constitution came into existence and our country became self-dependent. This day is the most important in India’s history, as India turned out to be a complete Republican country on this day. Throughout the country, Republic Day is celebrated with extreme patriotic zeal. In Delhi, the preparations start months before this day and celebrations are carried out with great enthusiasm. By celebrating Republic Day, we believe that we have fulfilled our responsibilities. However, the changes in the Indian society after becoming democratic are quite the same as they were earlier. The soul of India is its society, and the change in society is important accordingly. But, the expected change is still awaited.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें...

It was Monarchy before and now it is Democracy, just a change of some alphabets. In the matters of employment, Republic of our country gives priority to religion, caste and not to the talent. For every individual, their caste and religion has different rules. However, our politicians misuse these laws to gain votes from people. Country's system is distorted for the sake of appeasement.

Even today, the women of our country are punished for marrying a man from another caste. The protectors of our democracy i.e. our leaders are busy in exploiting the public of the country. A number of infants and pregnant ladies are the victims of malnutrition. Business of adulterated medicines along with selling of human body parts is reaching the peak. Terrorists are never caught and in case they are, then police treat them like some guests or important people. We are welcoming the leaders of neighboring countries and they, on the other hand, are killing the soldiers of our country. After committing so many crimes, a person gets appointed as a protector of system, on the basis of his caste or religion. According to astrology, this scenario is not going to change soon. This is because, in the Kundali (Birth Chart) of Republic Day, ascendant lord and 10th house lord (lord of karma), Jupiter are in the debilitated state. Like we never expect any good deed from a mean person; similarly, we cannot expect favorable effects from any debilitated planet. Jupiter is combusted and is under the influence of 6th house lord, Sun and 8th house lord, Venus. Moon is in Ashwini Nakshatra (constellation). Ascendant is under the influence of Rahu, Ketu and Mars, which means that nothing favorable is expected. Therefore, we should not expect anything from our leaders. Whosoever will get to rule this country, will not be able to use the best of his/her intelligence. Therefore, it is important to be self-dependent. Also, we will have to make people aware time-to-time, to show that leaders that they are under public surveillance. We need to show these power holders that they come from us. Let’s talk about the main topic of today. 

On January 26, 2014; the Republic of India will complete 64 years and will enter in its 65th year. Last year, ascendant lord, Venus was in the 8th house, and 10th house lord, Saturn was in 6th house. Hence, even after the formation of many rules, the judiciary system of India stayed uncertain. In the Kundali of this year, ascendant lord, Sun is in 6th house, and 10th house lord, Venus is in 5th house. As a result, we can expect some improvements.

The lord of this year is Moon; therefore, next elections will be based on the emotions of people. The one who will touch the hearts of the public will be the winner. As Moon is the lord of this year, image of our country will improve in other countries. Peace and harmony will improve in India. Value of Rupee will perk up as compared with dollar. But, the political parties, who are promising less inflation this year, will not be at ease, as possibility of inflation is not seen. Although, better policies might be launched in this year. New agreements with other countries may also improve the conditions of India.

Overall, the Republic Kundali is pointing toward the betterment of India; however, some troubles are also foreseen. First part of the year will see many many ups and downs, comparatively. After this, we can expect some peace and harmony. People have set some high hopes with the time coming after elections; however, signs of any miracle is not there in the Kundali of the Republic. Still, after 4th July, 2014, some improvements are assured along with the new position holder. 

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