Thursday, January 30, 2014

Mercury Transit In Capricorn (February 18, 2014)

Mercury will transit in Capricorn on 18th of February. Before this transit, Mercury transited into Aquarius, but being retrograde, it is again transiting back into Capricorn. Let’s read out more about the effects of this transit on all the Zodiac signs.

Mercury transit In Capricorn

Mercury will transit in Capricorn on 18th of February. From January 8 to 26, 2014, Mercury was in Capricorn only, but on January 26, it transited into Aquarius. Now, being retrograde, it is again transiting back into Capricorn. As a result of this transit, prices of grains will be affordable. The rate of problems related to kids will come down. Politicians will not only give speeches, but will also implement some useful policies. 

To know effects of Venus in Capricorn as per Vedic astrology, click here - Mercury in Capricorn

These predictions are based on your Moon sign, please click here to know your Moon sign: Moon Sign Calculator

Let’s see the effects of this transit on every sign:


You will celebrate some auspicious event at home. In this duration, your business may expand. You will be completely dedicated toward your responsibilities. Family environment will be harmonic. You may also get a vehicle. 


This transit will be fortunate for you. You will perform all the tasks in a proper manner. Your influential way of speaking will help you in convincing people. You will perform extremely in your business and will reap immense profits. You will also get benefits from a journey. 


You will have to work harder, as workload will increase. Be careful, as minor issues may lead to disputes. You may feel a bit stressed due in your domestic life. Avoid unnecessary travelling. 


During this transit, you may witness expansion in your business. Your partners and admirers will support you. You may get beneficial opportunities and deals. Females will prove to be helpful on work front. You are likely to go for an enjoyable trip. 


In this duration, health issues may trouble you. Your competitors may try to harm your reputation. Situations at work place will improve. It is suggested to have control on your speech; also, avoid being harsh. Avoid travelling as much as possible.


During this time period, you will receive benefits in new ventures. Also, the time is good for love and romance. Your domestic front will be highly prosperous. Due to your intellectual abilities, you will get immense respect. Friends will support you. 


In this duration, your business skills will get enhanced. You will perform all your tasks in a planned way. There will be harmony at home. You will enjoy good tuning with your parents. You may also spend on luxury and comfort.


You will get support from your siblings. You may also meet your old friends. Your artistic abilities will improve. Short journeys are likely to give you positive results. If you are involved in some agency work, you will get beneficial outcomes.


In this duration, you will earn name and fame. Behavior of your family members will remain highly good. During this transit, you will get financial gains. You may get inclined toward occult science. 


In this duration, you will be happy. You will also get name and fame all around. You will also have sound health. You will experience harmony on the domestic front. To fulfill your wishes, you will work very hard. 


You may feel stressed because of some health issues. You need to be firm and hopeful while handling problems and tensions. Family environment may not be much good. You will feel inclined toward spirituality.


In this duration, you will get support from friends and well-wishers. Also, you will also get good news related to your brother or best friend. You will socialize with people and make more friends. All your dreams and desires will come true. 

Hope these predictions will help you carve a beautiful time ahead.

Event Of The Day!

The day is quite significant, as it is the Martyr’s Day of Mahatma Gandhi.

Apart from this, it is a very important day for Hindus, as you can provide something to your forefathers who are not with you anymore. It is a New Moon day, the day of Mauni Amavasya or Triveni Amavasya for Hindus, observe the silent fast (Maun Vrat) and give peace to the heavenly souls. If you want to know about the significance of Amavasya (New Moon), click here - Amavasya 2014

Click here for today’s stock market predictions: Sensex-Nifty Predictions

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