Sunday, December 15, 2013

AstroSage On 2014 Numerology

Welcome to AstroSage’s Weekly Newsletter. Today, we have brought to you a topic which is probably one of the most sought after topics in Astrology. Yes, Numerology has garnered the interest of many and the curiosity about the subject just keeps growing. In this article, we will tell you every single detail that will make you a fan of this field (if you are not one already). Also, as a bonus, we will be providing you with our Numerology horoscope for 2014 in English as well as Hindi. So, let’s begin...

What is Numerology? 

Numerology is the study of the number characteristic in a person’s life. It is the study of the numbers in the person’s date of birth, name and other allied stuff. With this study, we can formulate the future of that person. Success, failures, character; everything can be decoded with the help of these numbers.

Click here to know your Numerology characteristics - Numerology Calculator

Want to learn the art of Numerology? We are here to assist you with that. Our article, ‘Numerology: The Art Of Numbers Reading’ will help you in taking your love for numerology higher.

Also, for those who wants to know just the basic, give our Learn Numerology Basics a try. 

Find Your Compatibility With Numerology!

AstroSage brings to you some amazing compatibility testing tools. With the help of Numerology, these tools will give you the answer you are looking for. Yes! The compatibility you share with that special person. So, why wait? Get on with the testing. 

Who is the person whose name best suits with yours? How good are your names when put together? Know all this with the help of our Name Compatibility tool.

Friendship is the purest relationship, one can face any situation if there is a friend beside as your support. Know how compatible you are with your friends and find out who is your best one with our Friendship Compatibility Tool.

Love, the word that means the world for everybody; and the person who gives you love more than you can, is the person you have to be with no matter what. Find out how much love is coming your way from that special person with our Love Compatibility using Date Of Birth tool.

Now, coming to the other important information and events for the week. Let’s have a look at the important dates of the week. 

Important Dates Of The Week

Further, we have your Numerology Horoscope 2014 to help you plan your year in advance.

Let’s now see what your stars tell about this week. Find your FREE weekly horoscope below:

Services Of The Week! 

Name Correction: A name is the identity of a person, it defines who he/she is. A name gone wrong will haunt the person all life with failures and disappointments. But with the right name, its the road to success all the way! Use our Name Correction service and find your success.

Click here to know more about - More On Name Correction 

Lucky Numbers: Numbers play a very vital role in our life. They are everywhere, our phone number, vehicle number and even our name has numbers’ influence. So, have you chosen the right numbers? Find out with the help of our Lucky Number Detector tool. 

Click here to know more about - Lucky Numbers & Numbers Characteristics

Want to know more about the number which will prove lucky to you, go nowhere, it's right here. 

Click here to know all about lucky numbers for you

Special Discount Offers!

With new year approaching, we have some news that will make you all smiles. Yes! we have got some great discounts coming your way.

Some of our services have a grand 25% off going on. Don’t let this chance slide away. Click on the links below to catch them directly from here.

If you are buying the service by reaching, then use the Discount Code - DISCSER25 and avail your discounts. 

We will keep on sharing information with you on our new updated stuff. Stay tuned to AstroSage for more such interesting stuff, informations & FREEwares. Utilize the best of our services and stay blessed!

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