Saturday, November 16, 2013

Meaning And Significance of Ruling Planets

Prof. Shri K.S. Krishnamurti gave more prominence to the use of ruling planets. Understand the true meaning and significance of ruling planets by reading this article by our expert astrologer, Dr. G.K. Adith Kasinath. Ruling planets are found with the help of position of Moon, Lagna (ascendant) and day Lord and rule the moment of events.

Ruling planets are the planets that rule the moment of an event. Prof. Shri. KS. Krishnamurti (“Jothida Marthanda”), the founder of the great Stellar and sub Lord theory (KP system), gave more prominence to the use of Ruling Planets (RP).

To emphasise the importance of ruling planets in KP system, there is a saying “Without RP, there is No KP”.

You may be interested in knowing what KP System is. To make yourself clear with its meaning and concepts, click here-KP System: An Introduction

Ruling Planets (RPs) Dictated By Shri KSK

At a particular moment, the position of the Moon, the Lagna (Ascendant) and the day Lord are taken to find the ruling planets as follows:

  1. Moon is posited in whose sign (Moon sign Lord)
  2. Moon is posited in which star of that sign (Moon star Lord)
  3. Lagna is posited in whose sign (Lagna sign Lord)
  4. Lagna is posited in whose star Lord (Lagna star Lord)
  5. Lord that rules that Day (Day Lord)

Therefore, according to Prof. Shri K.S.K., the original ruling planets were, Moon’s sign Lord & star Lord, Lagna’s sign Lord & star Lord and the Day Lord. 

But, as KP System is mainly associated with sub Lord, KP stalwarts later found the importance of sub-lord of both Moon and Lagna as the ruling planets and added them into the list of ruling planets.

So, the Ruling Planets are:

  1. Moon sign Lord - Moon Star Lord - Moon sub Lord
  2. Lagna sign Lord - Lagna star Lord - Lagna sub Lord
  3. Day Lord

Nodes that represent any ruling planet by occupation of their sign, aspect or conjunction with them, become the ruling planets.

Apart from the above mentioned planets, the following ones can also be included in the list:

  1. The planets that are in the star of the above ruling planets.
  2. The planets that are conjoined to or aspected by the above ruling planets.
  3. The planets that are posited in Lagna.

Therefore, after looking at all the possibilities, sometimes many or all the 9 planets would appear as the ruling planets.

But, stronger ruling planets have to be found by them after proper study.

  1. Nodes that are connected to these Ruling planets become stronger.
  2. The planets that are in the star and sub of other ruling planets become stronger.
  3. The planets that appear many times are stronger.
  4. Planets that are retro become weaker, or to be considered with care according to the case.

There are different schools of thoughts about the ruling planets in the star and sub of a retro planet. Similarly, there are many aspects to be seen to check and find the stronger ruling planets.

To know the importance of planets in Astrology and in your Kundli, click here - Planets

Uses Of Ruling Planets

In general practice, ruling planets are considered when an Astrologer takes up a case for analysis or when a question is raised to him with an urge. The astrologers use them for:

1. The divine fact is that when a question is raised, the answer to it lies in that only. The role of the astrologer here is to make use of it and find the answer. The planets that are ruling the moment of the question when it is raised, will reflect the answer in the time chart of that particular moment.

2. Moreover, the ruling planets that appear when a question is raised with urge or when an Astrologer starts his analysis, will also rule the moment during the fructification of the event in question.

3. Ruling planets are useful as a tool to guide the Astrologers in finding and fixing the stronger planets that could fructify the event in question.

4. During analysis, if many planets are found as the significator of a particular event, the Astrologer could seek the help of the ruling planets to filter and find the stronger and fruitful planets.

5. Out of many significators of a particular event, the planets that appear as ruling planets at the time of judgment are the stronger ones to fructify the event.

6. The ruling planets of the moment (when astrologer sits for analysis) help in finding the accuracy of the birth time of that chart. These ruling planets will be connected to the ruling planets at the time of birth of the child and the running Dasha Bhukti Andra Lords.

7. One of the most important use of ruling planets is that they help in the rectification of the birth time. When an Astrologer sits to correct a birth-time or finds an unknown birth time, the ruling planets of the moment of judgment will be connected to the Lagna (Ascendant) rulers of the native.

Hence, the ruling planets are the divine tools from the Almighty to guide the Astrologers. According to the experience and practical application of an Astrologer, the ruling planets can be well utilised to help him in his interpretation and predictions.

Even if the answer book is produced to the student in an examination hall, it is the talent of the student to find the required and relevant answer to the question asked. Similarly, it is the role of an astrologer to apply his knowledge properly to make use of such divine tools (Ruling Planets) in his interpretation and predictions. This is possible with proper and dedicated exercise. 

So, we have to understand that even God appears. Until a person applies his mind to identify him from others, he cannot get his help. 


  1. I have not used the sub lords as one of the ruling planets and I am able to solve the problems of the clients. Moon sign lord and star lord, ascendant sign lord and star lord and Day lord is sufficient. There could be five planets and what fun it will be by making 7 planets. All the nine planets will find its place in the ruling planets.

  2. Dear Subramania Venkataraman ji, how can you solve the problem of your client rather than predicting or guiding them through kp? You are correct that some time all the nine planets could appear as RP wherein one has to apply the mind. Further, 5 planets as dictated by our Guruji are not sufficient all the time in all the cases for correct predictions and birth time rectifications. No one will be interested in making it complicated unless it is worth sir. Interpretation differs.
