Thursday, November 7, 2013

Shirdi Sai Baba Vrat: A Way To Pay Tribute

His real name is not known, His religion is not known; but still He has numerous followers, such is the magic of ‘Sai’. A simple man with simple principles who never gave importance to the worldly pleasures and comforts. Let’s know some facts about Sai Baba, the guru who is worshipped on Thursday.

Shirdi Sai Baba

Shri Sai Baba was a spiritual guru whose real name, birthplace and birth date are not known. Sai Baba transcended the barriers of religions and always taught "Sabka Malik Ek" ("One God governs all"). It is said that at the age of 16 years, Sai Baba came to the village of Shirdi in Ahmednagar (district of Maharashtra) and remained there till death. He lived a simple life, slept on the floor of temple and later took a ruined mosque as his shelter. He did many miraculous things that were beyond a mortal's power and many pilgrims used to come seeking his blessings.

Now, you may ask your questions directly to Sai Baba, click here - Help Me Sai Baba

No love For Material Things

Sai Baba had no love for perishable things and comforts, and was engrossed in self-realization. Peace and calm were his ornaments and he was a treasure of wisdom. Honor or dishonor meant nothing to him and his lips always had one name ‘Allah’.

Udi (Sacred Ash) of Sai Baba

Sai Baba always kept a sacred fire (Dhuni) burning. The ash from this fire was called Udi and was distributed during their departure from Shirdi. Baba taught his followers that all the visible phenomena in the universe are as short lived as the ash. Our bodies are composed of matter of the five elements which will fall down, after all their enjoyments are over, and will reduce to ashes. To remind the devotees that their bodies will be reduced to ashes, Baba distributed Udi to them. Udi in that time and even today cures many physical and mental ailments.

Sai Baba's 11 Commandments

  1. Whoever comes to Shirdi, gets relief from his downfalls.
  2. Step on my Samadhi (Tomb) to crush your miseries. 
  3. Even after leaving my body, I will remain active.
  4. Keep utmost faith in me and I will fulfill your wishes.
  5. Always believe that I am alive.
  6. My mortal remains will speak from my tomb.
  7. I am always there for those who believe in me, come to me and take refuge in me.
  8. Look at me and I will look back to you.
  9. Come to me, as I am always there to help you.
  10. My advice and help are available for you immediately.
  11. There shall be no shortage of anything in the house of my devotees.

To know more about Sai Baba and learn his Aarti, click here - Shirdi Sai Baba

Sai Baba's fast

Vrat for Sai Baba is observed on Thursdays by taking his name. The person observing the fast should pray with complete devotion for the fulfillment of his desire. 

  1. He/she should worship Sai Baba in the morning or in the evening.
  2. Sai Baba's idol or image should be cleaned with water.
  3. It should be placed on a yellow cloth. Tilak of Chandan (sandalwood) and Kumkum (vermilion) must be applied on the idol or image.
  4. Yellow colored flowers or garland should be offered to Sai Baba and incense sticks and lamp must be lighted.
  5. The main story of the vrat must be read. 
  6. If possible, the person should go to Sai Baba’s temple. 
  7. The person keeping the fast can have fruits, nuts, milk, sweet and tea, to name a few. They can also take meal at one time.
  8. The fast must not be performed by starving.

Download beautiful wallpapers of Shirdi Sai Baba here - Shirdi Sai Wallpapers

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