Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Saturn Moves In Jupiter’s Constellation: Effects On You!

On 5th November, the most feared planted Saturn is entering in the constellation of most benefic planet Jupiter. Till now, Saturn was in constellation of Rahu and we have seen the havoc created worldwide. Now, things will get better for some and will worsen for some because Jupiter is a benefic planet by nature but a planet in a natal horoscope gives the results according to various other factors also. Jupiter causes cancer; many people may not be aware of this. People having Mahadasha, Antara & Pratyantar of Saturn will be most affected and benefited equally depending upon the role Jupiter is playing in your horoscope. This article applies specifically to people having aforesaid Dashas or if the Dasha lord is in star of Saturn or is in sub of Saturn in their natal chart.

Planet Saturn

(1) Aries: You will be having a bit difficult time as there will be increase in expenses, as your father may face health issues. There could be long wasteful journey. You will face irritating delays in your profession or business. This phenomenon will continue till long time; as on 8th November, Jupiter will turn retrograde. However, there will be substantial relief after November 20. You will also think of changing your job, but it will not materialize. You may move away from your present residence for some time.

(2) Taurus: You will be having good time, as you will embark upon a religious journey. Your family will be good. You will make new friends and get favors from others. After 20th November, things may not be as good as they were and you will see delays in getting things done. You will have to put in extra labor to get things done and that too will happen after you have thought it would. Venus is transiting in 8th house from Taurus in sign of Jupiter; thus there is need for focus and extra hard work from you.

(3) Gemini: You are going in a confused state of mind. One side there is feeling of romance, getting love and all is going; while on the other side, you are thinking about good deeds of life and to do good for others. It will be wiser to focus on career, profession and business, instead of romance. You are having smooth personal life presently and after 20th you will see difficult times coming up for some time. You always need to be attentive and focused and make firm decisions on time.

(4) Cancer: Jupiter rules your 6th and 9th house, so Saturn will be now doing things related to these houses only and because Saturn will be in sub of Jupiter which is in 12th house presently, it seems that the time ahead is bit difficult for you. 12th house is a negative house and denotes expenses, hospitalization, wasteful travels, and long foreign travels. This may cause difference of opinion with spouse and elders in the family. There is small chance of health issues with elders in your family, but it will not be serious. Some of you may hear the bad news, depending upon the natal conditions.

(5) Leo: You should avoid speculation in this time. However, there will be good times for you in other things. There could be change of job also for you. Personal life is also questionable presently. There will be relief from long ongoing problems and there is combination forming for unexpected gains to some of you. You will be having good time in general in most of the things except a few.

(6) Virgo: Professionally, there is much satisfaction for you and you will see that you are progressing without much effort. You should avoid important decisions as of now and better decide after 9th November. There will be new purchase and renovation at your home. You could get some infectious disease so be careful. There are chances of legal matters being solved and also beware of dogs as you could be bitten by a dog.

(7) Libra: Legal matters will be giving you problems, there will be negotiations and talks of ending legal case. It is wiser to accept what you get rather delaying the matter. Personal life will be further deteriorating. Change of job is also there but the chances are not strong. It is better to continue in the present organization. Health of father may get bad for some time due to nerves or liver problems.

(8) Scorpio: You will see that finance is suddenly drying up. After 20th November, it will get better. Family members will not be supportive. Children will also make huge demands. Unmarried natives may see their affair coming to an abrupt end. You will buy new luxurious things and will have more sweets this time. Professional life will be normal.

(9) Sagittarius: Opponents will be having an upper hand for some time. You will be declining favors yourself from friends. Younger kids may give troubles to you and they themselves can fall into some bad things, this is how the combinations are forming up. Sickness can trap you for some time. There will be financial gains to you.

(10) Capricorn: The time till 20th November is not at all good for you as Saturn will be in constellation and sub of Jupiter, owner of 12th and 3rd house. Jupiter is a malefic for Capricorn. There will be earnings but expenses will exceed them. You might leave for a long trip related to work, which will be unsuccessful. You will get support from unknown quarters. Spouse may be hospitalized. There could be defamation due to women.

(11) Aquarius: Aquarians should enjoy the period until 20th. After that, there will be delays, expenses, and frustrations of all sorts. You will have to make extra effort to achieve normal targets. Result of actions will be positive but will be delayed a lot. You may also go on a religious journey or do religious deeds during this time. There is possibility of finding a new partner in personal life.

(12) Pisces: This is the time to come back home if you are already not there. Professional success is also there for you. Your efforts will be successful and positive in most of the things. You will get good company at work and at home also it seems good time for you. You will focus on academics and will have increased concentration. You will find that obstacles are slowly giving away and you will feel elated.


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