Monday, November 11, 2013

Rudraksha: The Holiest Bead To Reach Almighty

Rudraksha seeds are considered as the holiest beads among all. In this article, we have gathered the information on all the Rudraksha seeds that are available for mankind. The seeds of Rudraksha are a part of Lord Shiva, as they emerged out from a single drop of His tears. 

Now, let's know in detail about each Holy Rudraksha:

Gauri Shankar Rudraksha: Strengthens The Bond Of Relationships

Gauri Shankar RudrakshaGauri Shankar Rudraksha is represented by two naturally joined Rudraksha. Wearing Gauri Shankar Rudraksha enhances love and harmony between husband and wife and strengthens the bond of their married life. Carrying this miraculous Rudraksha helps the businessman in expanding their business and bringing overall development. This Rudraksha brings love, prosperity, fortune, wealth and peace in life.

To buy it online, click here - Gauri Shankar Rudraksha 

Ek Mukhi / One faced Rudraksha: Provides Mental Peace & Sharpens Memory

Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is the most sacred form of Rudraksha. It is ruled by the planet Sun; therefore the Mantra ‘Om Namaha Shivaya, Om Hreem Namaha’ should be chanted while wearing it. Possession of this Rudraksha provides mental peace and sharpens the memory. Worldly comforts, good luck, happiness and victory over enemies, all are associated with this Rudraksha. Ek Mukhi Rudraksha is helpful for the attainment of salvation (Moksha).

To buy it online, click here - Ek Mukhi Rudraksha 

Do Mukhi / Two faced Rudraksha: Brings Peace In Domestic Life 

Arthanareshwar i.e. united form of Shiva and Parvati are represented by Do Mukhi Rudraksha. The mystical powers of this Rudraksha carry the occult and endowment of the cosmos. Carrying Do Mukhi Rudraksha wards off the malefic effects of Moon and brings peace in domestic life. Possessing this form of Rudraksha is a boon for the people suffering from fluid imbalance and troubles related to left eye. Mantra for this Rudraksha is "Om Namah Shaktih Namah".

To buy it online, click here - Do Mukhi Rudraksha

Teen Mukhi / Three faced Rudraksha: Cures Stress, Loneliness, Depression & Nervousness

Depression, stress, nervousness and loneliness all can be conquered with the possession of Teen Mukhi Rudraksha. The magical power of this Rudraksha purifies the soul of its possessor and abolishes the sins committed by him. For the professionals of real estate or sports, wearing this Rudraksha results in guaranteed success. Teen Mukhi Rudraksha has showed successful results for the people with Mangal Dosha. Chanting ‘'Om Kleem Namah’ while wearing this Rudraksha increases the benefits further.

To buy it online, click here - Teen Mukhi Rudraksha

Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha: Cures The Speech Related Problems 

Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha is very effective against the speech related problems and also blesses its wearer with the ability of thinking originally. For the pursuers of knowledge, such as - scholars, students, scientists and computer professionals; wearing this Rudraksha is very beneficial. While wearing Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha, one must chant 'Om Hreem Namah'. Natives affected by the malefic effects of Jupiter should wear this Rudraksha to reduce the effects. 

To buy it online, click here - Chaar Mukhi Rudraksha 

Panch Mukhi: Helps In Financial Gain 

Possessing Panch Mukhi Rudraksha is very good for material gain and exploring numerous financial opportunities. Individuals facing debts, bankruptcy, burden of loans or any other financial crunches should wear Panch Mukhi Rudraksha. Failure can be easily transformed into success in minimum time with this Rudraksha. As it is associated with the planet Mars; the Mantra for this Rudraksha is,'Om Hreem Namah'. 

To buy it online, click here - Panch Mukhi Rudraksha

Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha: Cures The Effects Of Mars (Mangal)

One must possess Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha to pacify the malefic effects of Mars or Mangal. It is very helpful in warding off the consequences of planet Venus. Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha cures diseases related to sexual organs. For the people involved in lot of socializing and public appearances, carrying this Rudraksha is very fruitful.

To buy it online, click here - Chhah Mukhi Rudraksha

Saat Mukhi: Provides Power, Luck, Fortune & Wealth

What else could be better than wearing a Saat Mukhi Rudraksha, the representation of Goddess Lakshmi! Wear this Rudraksha and be blessed with fortune, wealth, luck and power. Saat Mukhi Rudraksha is worth wearing by the people involved in business or surviving under financial loss. The most preferred day to wear Saat Mukhi Rudraksh is Monday. The Mantra for this Rudraksh is 'Om Hoom Namaha’. 

To buy it online, click here - Saat Mukhi Rudraksha 

Aath Mukhi: Helps In Achieving Expected Results

Wearing Aath Mukhi Rudraksha is very beneficial to get the expected results. Wearer of Aath Mukhi Rudraksha lives a long life and is honest and truthful. This Rudraksha is very favourable for the students and explores their talents in studies by enhancing their concentration power. It is highly beneficial for the businessmen. Chant ‘Om Ganeshaya Namah’ and wear this Rudraksha on Monday.

To buy it online, click here - Aath Mukhi Rudraksha 

Nau Mukhi: Provides Hormonal Balance, Spiritual Gain, Physical Strength & Mental Satisfaction

Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is the symbol of energy and courage. Possessing this Rudraksha regulates hormonal function of the body, physical strength, spiritual gain, mental satisfaction and improvement in communication skills. Wear this Rudraksha to deal with fever, bowel pain, eye problems, body ache and skin diseases. Most auspicious day for wearing Nau Mukhi Rudraksha is Monday with the Mantra, ‘Om Hreem Hum Namah’.

To buy it online, click here- Nau Mukhi Rudraksha

Dus Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Success

Dus Mukhi Rudraksha is very powerful for pacifying the nine planets. This Rudraksha is believed to fulfill all the desires. It blesses its wearer with success and helps in attaining spiritualism. While wearing Dus Mukhi one should chant the mantra, ‘Shree Narayanaaye Shree’ Most auspicious day for possessing it is Sunday.

To buy it online, click here - Dus Mukhi Rudraksha

Gyara Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Success, Wisdom, Knowledge, Courage & Confidence 

Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha brings qualities of courage, confidence and adventure. This Rudraksha blesses the wearer with knowledge, wisdom, success, and justice. Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha has the powers of the seven deities; therefore it is highly powerful. This Rudraksha should be worn on Monday while chanting ‘Om Shree Rudray Namah Om Hreem Hum Namah’.

To buy it online, click here - Gyara Mukhi Rudraksha

Baarah Mukhi: Bestows The Wearer With Name, Fame & Self-development

Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha is very helpful for the people who are into administrative job. This should be worn by businessmen, politicians and those who want to get name-fame .Wearing a Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha bestows with name, fame and self development. The day for wearing this Rudraksha is Monday. 

To buy it online, click here - Baarah Mukhi Rudraksha

Terah Mukhi: Provides Luxuries, Comforts & Material Pleasures

Terah Mukhi Rudraksha brings true love and fulfills all worldly desires. For the pursuers of occult science and attainment of spirituality, wearing Terah Mukhi is extremely helpful. Material pleasures, comforts and luxuries all are possible with this Rudraksha. This Rudraksha is not available easily. Monday is the auspicious day to wear this Rudraksha and the Mantra for this is, ‘Om Hreem Namaha’.

To buy it online, click here - Terah Mukhi Rudraksha

Chaudah Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With The Power To Predict Future Possibilities

Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha has devine properties. Wear this form of Rudraksha and awaken your sixth sense by strengthening Ajna Chakra. Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha blesses the wearer with the power to predict the future possibilities. It is very effective for the people involved in business, politics, senior positions. Ideal day to wear this Rudraksha is Monday and its Mantra is, 'Om Namah'.

To buy it online, click here - Chaudah Mukhi Rudraksha

Pandrah Mukhi: Makes The Wearer Capable To Achieve High Degree Of Spirituality & Economical Progress 

With the possession of Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha, the mind channelizes in the right direction with complete determination. The wearer achieves high degree of spirituality and economical progress. Mind becomes alert, sharp and concentration power increases. Eternal wealth and fortune follows the wearer of this Rudraksha. According to the Vedic Texts, Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha is very helpful in curing skin problems, chronic health issues and repeated miscarriage. 

To buy it online, click here - Pandrah Mukhi Rudraksha

Solah Mukhi: Blesses The Wearer With Victory

It is said that one who wears Solah Mukhi Rudraksha, becomes a devotee of the Almighty and follows the path of Truth (Satya). He attains Punyas of the 7 births and becomes fearless. Victory touches his feet and negative energies and vibes stay away from him. This Rudraksha is capable of restoring back the lost fame and name. Wearing Solah Mukhi Rudraksha has shown wonders in curing serious ailments like Leprosy, Lung diseases and Tuberculosis.

To buy it online, click here - Solah Mukhi Rudraksha

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha: Cures Complications Related To Pregnancy 

Garbh Gauri Rudraksha as the name indicates, is used as an astrological remedy against complications related to pregnancy. This form of Rudraksha represents Lord Ganesh and Maa Parvati and blesses a woman with a healthy child. It also signifies cordial relation between mother and her child. Garbh Gauri Rudraksha maintains the harmony in domestic life and keeps the family together. Mantra for Garbh Gauri Rudraksha is ‘Om Garbh Gauriye Namah’. 

To buy it online, click here- Garbh Gauri Rudraksha

Rudraksha Mala: Cures Various Diseases & Helps In Accomplishment Of Pending Tasks

If legends are to believed, then Rudraksha is made of the tears of Lord Shiva’s fierce Avatar, Rudra. Depending on the number of faces that Rudraksha bead possess, it contains the spiritual, magical and medicinal properties.. Practicing prayers for Lord Shiva with possession of Rudraksha is considered very fruitful. Wearing Rudraksha Mala is very ideal for the accomplishment of pending tasks and treatment of a number of diseases.

To buy it online, click here - Rudraksha mala

So, this was all we had for the Rudraksha seeds that are easily available. Stay tuned to AstroSage for much such interesting stuff.

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