Saturday, November 30, 2013

December 2013 Horoscope

December 2013’s general monthly horoscope is now available at AstroSage. With this horoscope, you will be able to know how the month of December will be for you; and you will be able to extract out best of this month. December 2013 Horoscope will help you take advantage of the most positive time of the month. Also, you will know in advance if any trouble is coming. These predictions are based on your Moon sign. If you are not aware of your Moon sign, please click here: Moon Sign Calculator

December 2013 Horoscope

Let’s start with predictions.


Starting of the month doesn’t hold blessings for you. Your computer or laptop may trouble you in this time. Additionally, there are chances that your vehicle may not work well.If you are planning to take up a new thing then it would be better if you will ponder over your thought. Your troubles will settle down to quite a good extent in the second half of the month. You will get success in many things. Financial situation will improve. You will get a chance to read a good book. As a remedy, it would be better to offer water to the Lord Sun.


You need to be very cautious throughout the month. Take any business related decision after thinking about it properly. You may stay stressed due to your spouse or some domestic issues. The time is strainful, making you more prone to sickness. Therefore, you need to take care of yourself while behaving properly. Avoid consumption of sodas or junk food. Even the second part of the month is also not holding blessings for you. Hence, you need to act patiently in this time too. As a remedy, offer water mixed with vermillion to the Lord Sun in the times of trouble.


Starting of the month is holding positivity for you. You will get rid of old troubles. Success is seen in defeating opponents. You will get success in everything. Situation at workplace will also improve. Honor and respect will increase. There are chances of promotion. It means that the first half of the month is holding positivity for you. However, you need to be very cautious in the second half of the month. You may go misbalanced financially due to shopping. Therefore, take care of your family and health along with work. Recite Bajrang Baan everyday, as a remedy.


Almost the entire month will be positive for you. During this time, you will welcome your life with great zeal and gusto. You may also go on a journey suddenly. Troubles related to progeny or love relationship will vanish. Second half of the month will be solving all the troubles of your life. You will get rid of problems. Respect and honor will increase. Improvement in situations at workplace is seen along with a promotion. As a remedy, it would be better to donate oranges in the temple of Lord Vishnu.


In this month, you will have to put in a lot of hard work to fetch out the positive results. In the first half of the month, you may feel tired. You may think about selling your old vehicle in this time. Situations will improve in the second half of the month; still you need to stay cautious. You may stay tensed of buying an expensive gift for your child or love partner. Don’t take any decision in excitement. Drive carefully. Offer cloth to Hanuman Ji in the times of trouble.


Positive results are seen in the first half of the month. If you were planning to buy an expensive phone since long then it would be a good time for you. You may also go on a short journey in this time, which will be quite beneficial for you. Time will also stay positive for financial matters. On the other hand, second half of the month may seek more hard work from you. Your energy may go down during this time. Take decision of right and wrong in all the matters very carefully during this time. As a remedy, offer food to little girls in the times of troubles.


Though you will try to accomplish everything quite carefully, yet beginning of the month will not be very beneficial. Your smartphone may not work properly during this time. Hence, you may think of changing it. But, avoid choosing a wrong phone in haste. Some problems related to family or finances are also expected. But, the second half of the month will be eliminating troubles from your life. You may get benefit through a journey. Financial matters will also stay positive. Health will also stay positive. As a remedy, donate a red fruit or vegetable at Hanuman Ji’s temple in tough times.


First half of the month will be giving mixed results to you. You will be full of self confidence during this time. Honor by government or some organization is also expected. You will try to wake up early. Also, you may try to join a gym or practice Yoga. Even in the second half of the month, you need to work very cautiously in the matters related to finances and family. Health related problems may stay during this time too. As a remedy, it would be better to offer honey on Shivalinga.


In the beginning of the month, I would suggest you to stay cautious in everything. Don’t act like a fanatic. Try to stay at bay from journeys and traffic as much as possible. Keep a control over your behavior in work related matters. Avoid unimportant expenditures. On the other hand, your troubles will end to quite a good extent in the second half of the month. Your respect and honor will rise. You may go on a profitable journey. But in this time too, you will have to take care of your health as well as the health of your family. As a remedy, it would be better to chant Gayatri mantra 11 times everyday. 


First half of the month will be quite positive for you. In this time, you may do some deals that will be quite beneficial for you. Time will also stay quite positive for love matters. Income will increase. You will also get benefit by journeys. You may watch a good movie with your loved ones during this time. However, the second half of the month may be full of expenditure. You will also have to take good care of your health during this time. As a remedy, offer green fodder to cows.


The entire month seems positive for you. In the first half of the month, you will do well in your work. You will get support of your elders. Your boss will be happy with you. Improvement in financial matters and conjunctions of some work related journeys are also there. On the other hand, benefic situations will stay strong in the second half of the month. You will spend a good time with your life partner or lover. As a remedy, donate black Urad lentils to a needy person.


Starting of the month will be of mixed results. Some distant journeys are possible, but their success is in doubt. However, you will meet people sitting on big positions during this time and it will also benefit you. Tensions related to studies or progeny will go away. But, it will be important to take care of parents during this time. On the other hand, second half of the month will be quite good for work. You will also get rid of financial troubles. As a remedy, serve your father or a fatherly person.

Hope this horoscope will be beneficial for you and you will behave according to your time (good or bad). My best wishes are with you!


Click here for today’s match prediction: South Africa Vs Pakistan 3rd ODI

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