Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Change Your Destiny With Numerological Name Correction!

Improve your future prospects with Name Numerology. Numerology is the best and easiest way to rediscover your destiny with Name Correction. Check your compatibility with your name to increase your profitable prospects.

Name Numerology

Numerology & Its Purpose

Numerology is the science of numbers and their control on life of humans. Numerology is considered to be the most precise and interesting among all the occult sciences. Numerology can be utilized to figure out the personality of a person and to comprehend the prospects present in the life of a person. The intention of Name Numerology is not to forecast the upcoming, but to endow you with the right key to seek out and discover your own prospects and destiny. The basic principle of Numerology is that all things in nature can be made clear through their numerical values. Name Numerology is a key that can create wonders.

Click here to ask our Numerologist about your name: Name Correction Service

Benefits Hidden Behind Name Numerology

Names have such a great control on our life and the history is loaded with such examples of people with grand talents shattered by the unlucky names. The eagerness among people about making some alterations in the spelling of their names has gradually increased. Some of them prefer changing it entirely. In the present scenario, life has turned up to be more complicated. Therefore, most of the people have started tuning up each and every facet of their individuality.

In accordance with the prehistoric skill of Numerology, every alphabet in English language imbibes a numerical equivalent. When these corresponding digits are added together, they come up with compound numbers, which include magical effects linked with it. Now, this power can be good or bad as it totally depends upon the compound number it stands for. 

Name Numerology is all about analyzing the compound number of a particular name and recognizing it's affect on the name. Turning an unlucky name to a luckier one by means of adding or deleting any alphabet has happened to be an art in itself. While calculating the compound number for a name, the effort of a numerologist is always to come up with a name whose compound number's influence should go well with the number linked with the date of birth of the person. A positive relationship between name's compound number and date of birth is also an essential part of Name Numerology.

If you want to know what your personality says about you, click here - Birth Date Astrology

Numbers & Their Meanings According To Numerology

Numerology considers that the entire world is comprised within and can be uttered with the help of numbers. All the numbers are mentioned below with their numerological significance. These numbers are often held to be connected with a particular planet or a heavenly body.

1 - This is the number of skillfulness, power, singularity, will power and authority. The heavenly body related with 1 is Sun

2 - This is the number of emotion, duality, secrecy, co-operation, diplomacy, intuition. The heavenly body linked with 2 is Moon.

3 - This is the number of expression, creation, affection, family life and love. 3 is linked with Jupiter.

4 - This is the number of discipline, balance, intellectuality, stability and methodical nature. 4 is connected with Rahu.

5 - This is the number of change, freedom, travel, new experiences and communication. The digit 5 is connected with the planet Mercury.

6 - This is the number of rewards of hard work, rhythm, beauty, harmony and social relations. 6 is linked up with Venus.

7 - This is the number of culture, responsibility, philosophy and invention. 7 is attributed to Ketu

8 - This is the number of endurance, balance, change and transformation. 8 is connected with Saturn.

9 - This is the number of energy, aggression, war, quarrels and enthusiasm. 9 is ruled by Mars

According to Numerology, the above mentioned numbers are also recognized as the character numbers, destiny numbers or expression numbers.

Let your newborn get lucky with numerological Baby Names suggestion! 

How To Determine The Right Number?

The most essential number needed for the exact numerology is your actual date of birth. This combination of numbers comes up with the precise information regarding your character, basic nature, individuality and personality.

Presently, luck has turned up as the most important factor to achieve worldly success and everyone is taking all the possible steps to alter their destiny to be more favorable. Name numerology has the power to answer all your questions through the vibrations of different numbers! 

To know about your compatibility with your spouse, click here - Name Compatibility 

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