Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Difference Between Sun sign & Moon Sign

The main difference between Sun sign and Moon sign is that, the Sun takes one year, i.e one month in each zodiac sign to complete its transit as such it is easy to calculate the Sun sign with the help of the birth information of that person. Whereas the Moon stays for only 54 hours in a particular zodiac sign and takes only 28 days to complete the transit as such it is difficult to find out the Moon sign and can be done only with the help of the individuals horoscope. Read on know more on this topic.. 

What Is A Sun Sign ? 

Sun sign astrology

Sun symbolizes the individuality of a person and dictates his mannerisms and outer appearance. Sun sign of a person is the sign which corresponds to the position of the Sun on the birth date of that person. There are total of 12 Sun signs namely: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces. Each of these sign has its particular traits or characters. Some of these traits are creativity, ego, romantic and sexual preferences. These factors make Astrology of Sun sign important for the purpose of compatibility check.

Calculating Sun sign of a person is very easy and is done on the basis of date of birth of an individual. 

For example, a person who is born on 10th August has the Sun sign Leo. 

It is our Sun sign which reflects our "uniqueness". It tell us about how people around see and observe us and also signifies our overall nature. Sun sign represents how we approach our life. In general, the Sun reflects those attributes which remain constant throughout our lifetime. Our reaction to external factors depends on our Sun sign. Sun sign focus on what we want in our life. It tells what our work is and how we do it.

What Is A Moon Sign ?

Moon sign astrology

Position of Moon in the sky during the birth of a person is the Moon sign of that person. Calculating Moon sign is not easy because it depends on the exact birth time and birth place of the person. Moon sign is all about our inner feelings and emotions. It defines our romantic side and behavior. It is the Moon who decides what we need in our life. The Moon sign reveals our connection with our mother. Moon sign is used for many calculations like for match-making, general predictions and naming a person.

Moon sign controls our important organs like liver, heart, brain, left eye, heart and also flow of hormones in our body. A person is called “double signed” if his Sun sign as well as Moon sign are same. 

For example, if a person has both Sun sign and Moon sign as “Taurus” then it is called “Double Taurus”. Therefore, it is possible to have the same Sun sign and Moon sign. However, it’s not the case with everyone. 

Overall, our Moon sign signifies what we are in our real life. It is the mirror of our hidden secret self. To know correctly the your Moon sign is, it is always advised to consult any experienced astrologer. 

However to make things easier, we have created a software which will tell you what your Moon sign is, just click here to find out your - Moon Sign

Sun Sign And Moon Sign Traits Of The 12 Zodiac Signs


Sun sign traits: Daring, aggressive, loud and energetic people.
Moon sign traits: Independent, courageous and assertive.


Sun sign traits: Stubborn, loyal and deliberate cautious people.
Moon sign traits: Logical, conservative, sensual and loving in nature. 


Sun sign traits: Friendly, talkative, alert, curious, adaptable and superficial.
Moon sign traits: Flirtatious, expressive, persuasive and witty.


Sun sign traits: Sensitive, possessive, shy and moody by nature.
Moon sign traits: Emotional, responsive and caring.


Sun sign traits: Selfish, flamboyant, attention seeker and egotistical but loving and creative. Moon sign traits: Charming, warm, generous and loyal.


Sun sign traits: Timid, finicky but practical.
Moon sign traits: Perfectionists but critical, cultured, helpful and capable.


Sun sign traits: Tactful, lazy and indecisive who avoids conflicts.
Moon sign traits: Peaceful, decisive, affectionate, diplomatic, charming and harmonious by nature.


Sun sign traits: Strong willed, possessive, generous, loyal and passionate.
Moon sign traits: Analytical, powerful, intense and controlling.


Sun sign traits: Independent, travelers, theatrical and athletic.
Moon sign traits: Optimistic, curious, adventurous, enthusiastic and philosophical.


Sun sign traits: Mature, judgmental, traditional and responsible.
Moon sign traits: Hardworking, ambitious, serious, disciplined and capable.


Sun sign traits: Music lovers, stubborn and social animals.
Moon sign traits: Charismatic, rebellious, impulsive, forward thinking, detached and contemporary.


Sun sign traits: Shy, unstable and vulnerable. 
Moon sign traits: Creative, compassionate, spiritual, sensitive and imaginative. 


Sun sign tells about our outer self whereas, Moon sign focus on our inner side or the real side of us. One can estimate his Sun sign easily but same can’t be said for the Moon sign. Only a qualified astrologer can exactly tell the Moon sign of a person. In vedic Astrology, Moon sign is given more importance than the Sun sign.

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