Friday, September 27, 2013

Mars Transit in Leo: Effects on You

Zodiac's third planet Mars, will shift from Cancer to Leo on 5th October on the evening of 5th October at 7:40 in the evening. It will remain there till 26th November. Prior to this, Mars was in Cancer i.e. was debilitated. Once again people may have to suffer the consequences of inflation. Price of Diesel and Petrol may rise once again. Though there won't be heavy rainfall but in some places scattered rain is possible, but that would be limited. Price of gold, silver and copper may rise further. This effect of Mars is said to be painful for the animals. Let's see what effects this Mars transit can have on your sign. 

Aries: Mars transit will reside in 5th house of your Kundli. Therefore, Mars will end your financial troubles. You will get victory over your enemies. This is the best time to solve your problems. You may face troubles due to health issues or family members.

Taurus: Transit of Mars will be posited in your 4th house. Therefore, you will get support from family and friends. You may remain stressed to some extent. Expenses may also increase. Still you will get success in making any big project possible. 

Gemini: Transit of Mars will be in your third house. Therefore, journeys will be fruitful. You will get good news related to communication. Possibilities of new business is also there. You will get relief from financial troubles. You may get new opportunities. Opponents will fail to face you. Success in efforts is assured.

Cancer: Mars transit will reside in the second house of your Kundli. So this time is not good financially. Stress may arise due to family members. Possibilities of any big changes are quite less. Small issues may create big disputes so keep control on your words. Continue doing your work peacefully and patiently.

Leo: Transit of Mars is in the 1st house of your Kundli. You should be careful during this time. You may have to confront some problems. This time is not good for betting and taking risk. It is also important that you don't interfere in the matters of others. This course of time is not good for associating with any new activity. 

Virgo: Transit of Mars is in the 12th house of your Kundli. You should remain careful during this course of time. At this time it is important that you take care of your health. Unnecessary expenses may trouble you. Source of income may remain weak. You may also face some problem from your progeny.

Libra: Mars transit will reside in the 11th house of your Kundli. Therefore, you will get benefits from friends and associates. Pending tasks will accomplish. You will get sustainable property. Awaited wishes and desires will be fulfilled and long journeys will prove beneficial. You may purchase a new vehicle. Family atmosphere will remain happy. 

Scorpio: Transit of Mars will be posited in the 10th house of your Kundli. Therefore, you will receive good news. You will get success over land and legal issues. Business will grow. You may start a new business. You will have immense confidence to deal with unfavorable situations.

Sagittarius: Mars transit will reside in the 10th house of your Kundli. Therefore, there will be increase in income and you will find new sources of income. Journey to distant places will prove successful. You will get solutions of financial troubles. Success in matters of land and property is confirmed.

Capricorn: Transit of Mars will be posited in 8th house of your Kundli. This phase of Mars will help you with solutions for matters of property. But some differences with family members may arise. You should take care of your health. Drive carefully.

Aquarius: Mars transit will reside in 7th house of your Kundli. Therefore, journeys may upset you.You may get tensed for your partner's health. There are possibilities of conflicts with associates and partners. Legal problems may end. You may gain benefit from any investment and possibility of getting any pending finances is also there. 

Pisces: Transit of Mars will be posited in 6th house of your Kundli. You will feel happy during this course of time. Possibilities of extreme benefit is also there. Family environment will be pleasant. Job situation will increase. Problems and hindrances will end. But avoid disputes and be careful in matter of investment.

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