Tuesday, July 30, 2013

August: A Not So Promising Month

Feeling Blue

Nowadays, Sun is located in Cancer and its presence will be firm till 16th August. Sun is considered to be the king of all planets, hence its transit has a considerable impact on nature. When such an occurrence takes place it is called a solstice. Astrologically, southern zone belongs to Mars and this planet is considered to be very bitter. Sun also falls in the same category. Right now is in the Cancer, which is a watery sign. So we will witness an imbalance in nature. Some places will suffer from floods, due to excessive rain, whereas other regions that have been deprived of monsoons will face drought. Even human body will suffer from the imbalance of water. This implies that people will languish from their ability to endure. Excessive perspiration and lethargy will overcome individuals. This would eventually make them irritable. Noxious substances will increase and spread, giving rise to diseases like cholera, malaria and food poisoning. Such a situation is hazardous in terms of loss of precious lives and wealth. I think it is prudent to forewarn you of such calamities that might strike us in the near future. So instead of waiting for the dreadful events to follow, we all must arm ourselves and take the precautionary measures.

Nonetheless the transit of Sun also indicates plenteous rain. This will be a boon for the agricultural sector. But some South Western regions might face less rain or rain may cease completely. A condition of drought may ruin crops and it is feared that the agriculture industry will incur heavy loss. Rest of the regions will receive ample amount of showers. States of North India will be at unrest . The governments of this region will become accustomed to problems. But eastern regions will be at peace. Inflation will lead to phases of price fluctuation. But generally speaking, the situation will be quite balanced. As I have mentioned before that Sun and Mars are said to be cruel planets, this time will be extremely lucrative for corrupt politicians, thieves and rogues. But times are not promising for the common people. We may even witness clashes between politicians. In the latter part of August when the Sun transits to Leo sign, situations will improve steadily.

Till the 21st of August, we will be experiencing the season of Sawan. Normally, this is the month of peace, serenity and joy. But since Sun will be aspecting Saturn till 16th August, we must not anticipate the glorious nature of this season. Therefore, I would suggest you all to conduct yourself as per the times. By doing so, you will be able to protect yourself and others too.

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