Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Uttarakhand: Astrologically Prone To Natural Disasters

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra
 Destruction all Around
हिंदी में पढने के लिये यहाँ क्लिक करें।

Nature’s fury has hit the beautiful mountains of Uttarakhand and has left each one of us terrified. It seems like faith of people is under attack. People who have come out alive from the dreadful experience do wish to go back to the mountains ever. However, they do feel thankful to God for giving them another chance to live. All the astrologers including myself are curious to know the Astrological reasoning for these events. Though I do not believe in predicting after the event yet I cannot ignore the curiosity of Astrologers.

Uttarakhand, previously known as Uttaranchal was formed on 9th November 2000. From 2000 to 2006 it was called Uttaranchal and after that it was changed to Uttarakhand. It was done to respect the religious sentiments of the locals. Also, the state was referred to as Uttarakhand in religious texts and scriptures. The literal meaning of Uttarakhand is the Northern part of a region. The Holy rivers like Ganga and Yamuna originate in the hill state. The banks of Gangotri and Yamunotri have many sacred places which serve as famous pilgrimages.

Moon Chart of Uttarakhand

The day on which the state was formed, the Moon was in Pisces; therefore the sign of the state will be considered as Pisces. The day had Revati Constellation, which indicates a Mool Sangyak constellation. It is the constellation of Mercury which is posited in the 8th House of Kundli. The 8th house indicates both the positive and negative aspects of water. In this way, the watery planet Moon is related to the 8th House. Also, the Lord of the sign is Jupiter, which is in constellation of Moon. At the same time, Pisces is considered to be the sign of water. So, the relation between the Uttarakhand and water is obvious.

There are other facts also which show the relation between the Moon and water. As you can see in the chart that the Lord of the 4th house is Mercury is also posited in the 8th house. It is in the constellation of Mars and sub-constellation of Moon. Posited in the 4th house, Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node) is in the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon. The 6th, 8th and 12th houses in a Kundali creates challenging situations. The Lord of the 6th house, Sun is in the constellation of the Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon. Also, Sun is in the sign of Venus, which is a watery planet. Venus is in the constellation of Jupiter and Jupiter is in the constellation of Moon.

At the times of these devastation it is very common to the see Ascendant and Ascendant Lord afflicted by aturn and Mars. At the same time, Sun is also afflicted in some or the other way. As we can see in the Kundli that the ascendant Lord, Jupiter is with the Saturn and ascendant is being aspected by Mars. Sun is in 8th house and is debilitated. All these conditions are indicating that the place might suffer from recurrent natural calamities. And, like we all are well aware that before this Uttarkashi saw such devastation in the year 2012.

When will the hill state see such devastation? When Ascendant, Lord of Ascendant and Sun will be related to either Saturn or Mars. And, if Rahu also comes into the picture then the magnitude of the calamity will increase manifold.

Let us now see the day on which the calamity struck the state for the first time.

The Transit on the Day of Calamity

As you can see that, on that day, 4 planets were posited in the 4th house. Ascendant was not being aspected by any exalted planet. Ascendant Lord was combusted. Lord of the 9th house (representing religion and fate) Mars is combusted. Ascendant Lord was affected by Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node); and therefore it will also be affected by Saturn which is sitting with Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). Hence, not only the ascendant Lord, Jupiter, but also the Lord of 4th house Mercury along with Sun and Venus are also afflicted by Saturn and Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). Sun is in the constellation of Mars. Jupiter is also in the constellation of Mars. In this way, we see that ascendant, Lord of ascendant and Sun have an effect of Mars, Saturn and Rahu (Ascending Lunar Node). And, this is the time when Mars is in the constellation of significator of water, Moon. Conjunction of Venus and Jupiter also indicate that there is some calamity which is round the corner in a religious event. On that day, Moon was aspected by Mars, the sign of Sun. All these conditions are indicating that there is an impending calamity.

Though it is ironic that we are discussing all these astrological aspects after the calamity yet it is necessary. We should discuss every aspect of this natural disaster to ensure that such events do not happen in the future. We pray for all the people who have been hit by nature’s fury.

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