Thursday, June 13, 2013

Astrological Secrets of The Millionaires!

By Astrologer Usha Saxena
Your Kundli knows the secret of your wealth.

Yogas Making You Immensely Rich

“लक्ष्मीस्थान त्रिकोणख्यं विष्णुस्थानतु केन्द्रकम|
तयोस्सम्बन्धमात्रेण चक्रवर्ती भवेन्नरः||”

It means that Trine (Trikona) is the place of Lakshmi and Quadrant (Kendra) belongs to Vishnu. The combination of these makes a man successful in all directions.

Hence, the first objective of work is to earn wealth. Since ages, the worldly beings have desired for more and more wealth. There could hardly be any person satisfied with personal financial condition. Especially, in this age, desires of luxuries have become endless. But, it is very important to know that which planetary condition is best suited to the native for earning abundant wealth.

“धनेशो धनभावस्थ केन्द्रकोणगतोऽपि वा।
धनवृदधिकरो ज्ञेयस्त्रिकस्थो धनहानिकृत।।“

Lord of the second house, second house as well as Quadrant; if they all lie in Trine, the wealth increases. On the contrary, if they lie in the 6th, 8th and 12th house, the native becomes incapable of making wealth. Additionally, if they lie in the afflicted houses, it leads to the loss of savings too.

“धनेशे लाभभावसथे लाभेशे वा धंनगते।
तावुभौ केन्द्रकोणस्थो धनवान स नरो भवेत्।।“

If Lord of the second house is posited in eleventh house and eleventh Lord in second house, the native gets abundance of wealth. If Lord of the second as well as eleventh house is situated in Quadrant and Trine, the native becomes very rich.

“लाभाधिपो यदा लाभे तिष्टेत्केन्द्रत्रिकोणगः।
बहुलाभं तदा कुर्यादुच्चे सूर्याशगोऽपि वा।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is placed in the eleventh house or Quadrant and Trine or exalted sign, gives immense prosperity.

“लाभेशे धनराशिस्थे धनेश केन्द्रसंस्थिते।
गुरूणा सहिते भावे गुरूलाभं विनिर्दिशेत्।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is posited in second house and Lord of second house is in Quadrant with Jupiter, native earns the required money.

“केन्द्रत्रिकोणगे लाभनाथे शुभसमन्विते।
चत्वारिंशे तु सम्प्राप्ते सहस्त्रार्धसुनिष्कभाक्।।“

Lord of the eleventh house along with positive planets posited in the Quadrant or Trine blesses the native with abundance of money at the age of 40.

“लाभस्थाने गुरूयुते धने चन्द्रसमन्विते।
भाग्यस्थानगते शुक्रे षट्सहस्त्राधिपो भवेत्।।“

Jupiter in the eleventh house, Moon in the second house and Venus in the ninth house, makes the native royal.

“वित्तायोदयशयः पतियुता वित्ताधिको जायते।“

If second house, eleventh house and ascendant gets conjoined with its Lord, the native becomes prosperous.

“लाभस्थौ धनलाभपौ निजसुहृत्तुग्ड़ादिकौ चेत्तथ।“

If Lords of the second and eleventh house are posited in the own sign, friendly sign or exalted sign in the eleventh house; it gives abundant prosperity to the native.

“तद्वल्लाभधनाधिपौ तनुगतावन्योन्यमिष्टग्रहो।“

If Lords of the second and eleventh house are posited in ascendant and are friendly with each other, gives abundant wealth to the native.

“लग्नेशे धनराशिपयुते लग्ने बहुद्रव्यवान्।।“

If Lord of the ascendant is posited in the ascendant with second house Lord, the native becomes very rich.

“धनस्थे यदि लग्नेशे निधिमान् बलसंयुते।“

If Lord of the ascendant is posited in the second house, the native becomes rich.

“वित्तधीशे लग्नगे लग्ननाथे वित्तस्थानेऽयत्नतो वित्तमेव।“

Lord of the second house in ascendant and Lord of the ascendant in second house makes the native capable of earning by putting in effort.

“धनेशे लाभसंयुक्ते लाभेशे धनलाभगे ।
तावुभौ केन्द्रगौ वाऽपि धनवान् ख्यातिमान् भेवत्।। “

Lord of the second house in eleventh house and Lord of the eleventh house in second house or Quadrant gives the native abundance of wealth.

“लग्नेशे धनराशिस्थे धनेशे लाभराशिगे।
लाभेशे व विलग्नस्थे निध्यादिधनमाप्नुयात्।।“

If Lord of the ascendant is in second house, Lord of the second house in eleventh house or Lord of the eleventh house in ascendant, the native will be immensely rich.

“लग्नाय धनभाग्येशाः परमोच्चांशसंयुताः।
वैशेषिकांशगा वापि तदा कोटीश्वरों भवेत्।।“

If Lords of the ascendant, eleventh house and ninth house come in extreme exaltation point, the native becomes millionaire.

“ लाभस्थानोपयातः सकलबलयुतः खेचरो वित्तदः स्यात्।“

The fully powerful planet in eleventh house gives prosperity.

“लास्थानपतौ विलग्नभवनात् केन्द्रत्रिकोणस्थिते।
लाभे पापमन्विते तु धनवान् तुंगादिराश्यंशके।।“

If Lord of the eleventh house is posited in Quadrant & Trine and a fully malefic planet is posited in the eleventh house, the native receives abundance of money.

“लाभे पापमन्विते तु धनवान् तुंगादिराश्यंशके|”

‘A fully malefic planet is posited in the eleventh house, the native receives the abundance of money.’ – In this context, from my experience, planets Sun, Mars and Rahu make the native richer. On the contrary, Saturn and Ketu give adverse effects. Rahu in eleventh house brings money through unethical ways. However, in any case the ownership of house is considered to be more effective at that time. Sun, Mars or any other planet – if posited in the second house being the Lord of the twelfth house, will lead to monetary loss instead of profits.

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  2. I am having sun and rahu in eleventh gemini lagna and Scorpio rashi.saturn and moon in sixth,ketu in fifth,mars in seventh,jupiter in ninth,merc in tenth,Venus in twelth.
    so what do you think mam.plz do tell me if possible
