Monday, January 28, 2013

Marriage Numerology: Predictions of Numerology for Marriage

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra
Many people count on Numerology to match their compatibility
Numerology is a great medium to come to know about future and also to make future better. Like all the other astrological sciences, the calculations of Numerology also helps in obtaining the answer of astrological questions. The article is about the influence of Numerology calculations in the matters related to marriage. Numerology and its remedies can prove to be very beneficial in marital affairs. Numerology, on the basis of compatibility between the Moolank (Root Number) of the bride and the groom, determines whether the marriage is favorable or unfavorable. Not all the Numerologists give their decision on the basis of Moolank only but most of them do the same. But, to get the most accurate result for the matters related to marriage, it is essential to consider three main things that are Moolank (Root Number), Bhagyank (Destiny Number) and Namank (Name Number). When it comes to the issues of marriage the relation between the mentioned three numbers of the girl and the boy is considered. If the relationship between the numbers is positive then the chances of marriage being happy and comforting get stronger.

However, the article is beneficial for everyone but it will benefit those the most that are not aware of their correct birth time. It is not possible through Vedic astrology to get the exact result without knowing the accurate time. Apart from this, the calculation of Numerology can also be a ray of hope for the people that are not getting favorable results from Vedic astrology. These facts don’t mean that Vedic astrology is weaker than the Numerology but it only means that if all the three measures that are determined via Numerology come out to be positive then a happy married life can be expected. Those people who are not at all aware of their birth details can also reap benefit out of this article. In such cases if a person go for calculations of Numerology with the Guna Milan of constellation of alphabets of name then also accurate results can be expected.

Numerology as per its name is an astrological science that is based on numbers. According to the Numerology all the evident and non evident elements in the universe have their own definite number. The elements that have numbers which are friendly with each other have good compatibility and likewise when the numbers are unfriendly with each other then the elements are not compatible. For the predictions of Numerology mainly Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank are considered to give the best results. If the matter of marriage is considered then the relativity of the numbers of bride and groom are matched. Sometimes there are some people who are madly in love with their love interest and are ready to do anything in order to get married to their love. These people ignore the negative calculations of Moolank or Bhagyank and the Guna Milan. But the results of such marriages are not favourable. In such cases also, Numerology can be a boon. With the other astrological remedies, the spellings of the names of girl and the boy can be changed so that their numbers turn out to be friendly. Therefore, one of the most reliable things is Numerology when it comes to marriage predictions.

Guna Milan as Per Numerology

For the predictions of marriage, first of all the root numbers of the bride and the groom are matched. With the help of matching Moolank the consistency in the way of living and ideologies is maintained. After this, the Bhagyank is matched. Matching of Bhagyank determines the fortune both can bring for each other. Then, Namank is matched. This determines that how all the walks of life of both will be affected by each other’s presence.

What is Moolank (Root Numbers)?

Moolank is the sum of the of the birth date. For example, if a person is born in any month of the year on the 1st date then the Moolank is 1 and if a person is born on 6 then the Moolank will with be six. In case the number or date is of two digit then both the numbers are added together to get the Moolank. If a person is born on 24 then the Moolank will be 2+4 = 6.

What is Bhagyank (Destiny Number)?

Bhagyank is the complete sum of birth date, month and year. For example if a person was born on 19 September 1992 then the Bhagyank will be 1+9+9+1+9+9+2 = 4.

What is Namank (Name Number)?

To calculate the Namank the individual names of bride and groom are written. All the alphabets have different numbers and hence these numbers are taken and added to get the Namank. For example, the name of a person is Vishal then it will be spelled as VISHAL. The numbers of the alphabets are taken from the Cheiro method. As per the Cheiro method V equals 6, I equals 1, the number for S is 3, H equals 5, A equals 1 and L’s number is 3. Now, all the numbers will be added together. The number which is obtained after adding these digits is 19 and as 19 is a two digit number hence the digits 1 and 9 will be added together too. Therefore, the Namank of Vishal is obtained as 1.

The Moolank, Bhagyank or Namank should only be a one digit number. If any case the sum is in two digit then the numbers of that two digit number are taken individually and are added further together. This process is repeated until one digit number is obtained.

Therefore, if asked what will be the Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank of the mentioned person Vishal who was born on 19 September 1992 then the answer will be that his Moolank is 1, Bhagyank is 4 and Namank is 1 too.

The results of match Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank:

Number Best Friend Friend Average Enemy
1 ------ 2,3,6,7,9 1,8 4,5
2 2,6,9 1,4,7 3,8 5
3 6,9 1,5 2,4,7 3,8
4 4,6 2,7,8,9 3,5 1
5 ------ 3 4,6,7,8,9 1,2,5
6 2,3,4,6,9 1 5,7,8 ------
7 7,9 1,2,4,6 3,5,8 ------
8 ------ 4,6 1,2,5,7,8,9 3
9 2,3,6,7,9 1,4 5,8 ------

Therefore, if the Moolank, Bhagyank or Namank of any person is in the best friends list of their better halves then it can be said that the married life will be very happy and flourishing. If the number is in the friend column then the married life will be good. The married life will be average if the number is in average column. Some problems might occur in this relationship. However, if the number belongs to the enemy column then the
married life will be very painful.

This all can be understood easily with the help of an example. If a boy’s number is one then girl with which number will suit him the best. According to Numerology, if one is the number for both the girl and the boy then their feelings will be same and also the sense of competition will match which will result in tensions in domestic life. If the number of the girl is two then the married life might be good and fulfilling. The boy with the number 1 and a girl with number 3 get a happy married life. The relationship between this combination consists of love, affection and support for each other. A girl with number 4 is not at all suitable as they will face arguments without any specific reason and this will create tensions. The combination of girl with number 5 and boy with number 1 faces verbal arguments. The girl with number 6 enjoys a flourishing and happy married life with a boy of number 1. The married life with a girl of number 7 will also be happy, whereas if the girl belongs to number 8 then their married life will lack happiness. The girl of number 9 cherishes the beautiful married life with a boy of number 1. This is way of calculating for all the other numbers too.

In the mentioned example all the three things Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank has been considered. The given table must be considered in all three situations. If the numbers of Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank belongs to the friend’s column for a bride and groom then their married life will be extremely happy. And, if two numbers belongs to the friend’s column then the marriage will be good in average terms. But, if only one number is there in the friend’s column then the marriage will continue with some possible arguments. But if all the calculated numbers are showing different results then the marriage must be avoided. In Moolank, Bhagyank and Namank, one can be improved which is Namank. Therefore, people who are facing difficulties in their married life can improve the situations with this remedy.


  1. my name is nisha yadav date of birth 31december1992 and my boyfriend name is ajay tyagi and his date of birth is there any chances of marriage

  2. Free kundli matchmaking online helps in assigning points that influence marriage, more points indicates more chances of success of the marriage and used for compatibility analysis between boy and girl with slight modification.

  3. Sir/ Madam please please tell me.
    whether I will have love marriage or arrange marriage?

    DOB: 23/01/1991
    TIme: 11:45Am
    Place: Junnar
